1. What business have I with the madman's daughter knocking at my door in the night?
Your daytime is enough for me.
١. ما لِي وَما لإِبنَةِ المَجنُونِ تَطرُقُني
بِالليلِ إِنَّ نَهاري مِنكِ يَكفِيني
2. I don't cheat the wind with empty boasts - do I look like a braggart?
Nor do I stay in the house of weakness and disgrace.
٢. لا أَخذَعُ البَوَّ بَوَّ الزَعمِ أَرأَمُهُ
وَلا أُقيمُ بِدارِ العَجزِ وَالهُونِ
3. The worst thatch for a shack is when you are the one who put it together,
You mad, foolish girl, daughter of a madman.
٣. وَشرُّ حَشوِ خِباءٍ أَنتَ مُولِجُهُ
مَجنونَةٌ هُنَّباءٌ بِنتُ مَجنُونِ
4. You make the perfume go bad, you don't reduce its bitterness,
And you destroy love, breaking it before it's ground.
٤. تَستَخبِثُ الوَطبَ لَم تَنقُص مَرِيرَتَهُ
وَتَقضِمُ الحَبَّ صِرفاً غَيرَ مَطحُونِ