
I rise early with a drink that soothes

ولقد أغدو بشرب أنف

1. I rise early with a drink that soothes
Before the ground shows any dew

١. وَلَقَد أَغدُو بِشَربٍ أُنُفٍ
قَبلَ أَن يَظهَرَ فِي الأَرضِ رَبَش

2. With us, a skin of wine to Sumaymah's place
That waters the eaters of ripe and tender dates

٢. مَعَنا زِقُّ إِلى سُمَّهَةٍ
تَسِقُ الآكَالَ مِن رَطبٍ وَهَش

3. So we camped in an empty barren valley
Touched by the trailing robes of night and sprinkling

٣. فَنَزَلنا بِمَلِيعٍ مُقفِرٍ
مَسَّهُ طَلُّ مِنَ الدَجنِ وَرَش

4. And we have a listening she-camel
Huge of hips without emaciation

٤. وَلَديَنا قَينَةٌ مُسمِعَةٌ
ضَخمَةُ الأَردافِ مِن غَيِر نَفش

5. And lo we have a bounding doe
And an ostrich whose thread is like the Abyssinians'

٥. وَإِذا نَحُن بِإٍجلٍ نافِرٍ
وَنَعامٍ خِيطُهُ مِثلُ الحَبَش

6. So we carried our possessions that befit us
Above a herd of noble horses

٦. فَحَملنا ماهِناً يُنصِفُنا
فَوقَ يَعبُوبٍ مٍنَ الخَيلِ أَجَش

7. Then we said: below you is the hunt that will allow
The beloved among us to settle and live

٧. ثُمَّ قُلنا دُونكَ الصَيَد بِهِ
تُدرِكِ المَحبُوبَ مِنّا وَتعِش

8. So he brought us a lively fawn
And a mother ostrich with it

٨. فَأَتانا بِشَبُوبٍ ناشِطٍ
وَظَليمٍ مَعَهُ أُمٌّ خُشَش

9. We satisfied ourselves with good hot meat
Unforbidden and cut up with daggers

٩. فاشتَوَينا مِن غَرِيضٍ طَيَّبٍ
غَيرِ مَمنُونٍ وَأُبنا بِغَبَش