
So let him who asks after me know that I

فمن يك سائلا عني فإني

1. So let him who asks after me know that I
Am of the youths in the days of pleasures

١. فَمَن يَكُ سائِلاً عَنّي فَإِنّي
مِنَ الفِتيانِ فِي عامِ الخُنانِ

2. A hundred years have passed since the year I was born
And ten more after that, and two pilgrimages

٢. مَضَت مِئةٌ لِعامِ وُلِدتُ فِيهِ
وَعَشرٌ بَعدَ ذاكَ وَحِجَّتانِ

3. So the turns of fate convinced me
As it spared of the Yemeni sword

٣. فَقَد أَيقَنت صُروفُ الدَهرِ مِنّي
كَما أَبقَت مِنَ السيفِ اليَماني

4. It became worn, a common blade
When its two hands are joined to its handle

٤. تَفَلَّلَ وَهوَ مَأثُورٌ جُرازٌ
إِذا جُمِعَت بِقائِمِهِ اليَدانِ

5. Do not the sons of Ka'b claim that I
No! The old man denied it. I am ephemeral

٥. أَلا زَعَمَت بَنُو كَعبٍ بأَنّي
أَلا كَذَبُوا كَبِيرُ السِنِّ فاني

6. We brought the horses from Tathleeth until
We came upon the sands of Faladan

٦. جَلَبنا الخَيلَ مِن تَثلِيثَ حَتّى
أَتَينَ عَلى أَوارَةَ فَالعَدانِ

7. We came upon the cleaned, well-kept
Light of step from the pulling of time

٧. أَتَينَ عَلى المُنَقَّى مُمسَّكاتٍ
خِفافَ الوَطءِ مِن جَذبِ الزَمانِ

8. Green with shade opposes them
At its edges the splitting of the quilts

٨. يُعارِضُهُنَّ أَخضَرُ ذُو ظِلالٍ
عَلى حَافاتِهِ فِلَقُ الدِنانِ

9. And for the women of Numaan a day shaded us
At Sufwan when they showed me

٩. وَظَلَّ لِنِسوَةِ النُعمانِ منّا
عَلى سَفَوانَ يَومٌ أَرَوناني

10. So we made his wife ride behind and came
With what he had gathered of belongings

١٠. فَأَردَفنا حَلِيلَتَهُ وَجِئنا
بِما قَد كانَ جَمَّعَ مِن هِجانِ

11. So I remained as if I regretted, a cupbearer to Chosroes
While he had two leopards and I had two

١١. فَظَلتُ كَأَنَّنِي نادَمتُ كِسرى
لَهُ قاقُزَّةٌ وليَ اثنَتانِ

12. And we shared with Quraysh their food
And the bridling of their lineages

١٢. وَشَارَكنا قُرَيشاً في تُقاها
وَفي أَحسابِها شِركَ العِنانِ

13. With what the women of Bani Hilal bore
And what the women of Bani Aban bore

١٣. بِما وَلدَت نِساءُ بَني هِلالٍ
وَما ولَدَت نِساءُ بَني أَبانِ

14. Shall I not send a messenger to Bani Khalaf
With more right that I satirized you

١٤. أَلا أَبلِغ بَني خَلَفٍ رَسُولاً
أحَقّاً أَنَّ أَخطَلَكُم هَجاني

15. And if not for the prevailing of my mother's clan
And Ka'b's, who has standing with me

١٥. فَلَولا أَنَّ تَغلِبَ رَهطُ أُمّي
وَكعبٍ وَهوَ مِنّي ذُو مَكانِ

16. We would have engaged in the core of discourse until
We become as two horses bet upon

١٦. تَرَاجَمنا بِصَدرِ القَولِ حَتّى
نَصِيرَ كَأَنَّنا فَرَسا رِهانِ

17. There reached me what the clan of Ju'ayl says
In a valley of Aniyya or Eeyan

١٧. أَتاني ما يَقُولُ بَنُو جُعَيلٍ
بِوادٍ مِن عَنِيَّةَ أَو عِيانِ

18. Their help came to me while they are far
Their lands are the lands of the pigs

١٨. أَتاني نَصرُهُم وَهُمُ بَعِيدٌ
بِلاَدُهُمُ بِلادُ الخيزُرانِ

19. Abu Layla verily raced with Qaham
And Munatikith, nearing and distancing

١٩. لَقَد جَارى أَبُو لَيلى بِقَحمٍ
وَمُنتكِثٍ عَلى التَّقرِيبِ وَانِ

20. When he meets the informers, it is as if
He charges upon the regiments and the patrols

٢٠. إِذا أَلقى الخَبارَ كَبا لِفيهِ
يَخِرُّ عَلى الجَحافِلِ وَالجِرانِ

21. So let him who covets my advanced age know that I
Am of the youths in the days of pleasures

٢١. فَمَن يَحرِص على كِبَري فإنّي
مِنَ الفِتيانِ أَزمانَ الخُنانِ