1. O my home in Salma in Harouriyyah become safe
Next to the rugged cliffs, cleft by ravines
١. أَيا دارَ سَلمى بالحَرُورِيَّةِ اِسلَمي
إِلى جانِبِ الصَمّانِ فَالمُتَثَلَّمِ
2. It remained chaste after the life of Sulaym and 'Amir
They perished and mingled, diffusing their sweet scent
٢. عَفَت بَعدَ حَيِّ مِن سُلَيمٍ وَعامِرٍ
تَفانَوا ودَقُّوا بَينَهم عِطرَ مَنشِمِ
3. Its dwellings amid the setting suns to the twisting valleys
To ravines where sheep graze bleating
٣. وَمَسكُنها بَينَ الغُروبِ إِلى اللِوى
إِلى شُعَبٍ تَرعى بِهنَّ فَعَيهَمِ
4. It stayed there through two winters, then remembered
Its dwellings amid the freezing winds and Jerthum
٤. أَقامَت بِهَِ البَردَينِ ثُمَّ تَذَكَّرَت
مَنازلَها بَينَ الجِواءِ فَجُرثُمِ
5. Nights that hunt men in intense darkness
And whiteness like a polished sword, flawless
٥. لَيالي تَصطادُ الرِجالَ بِفاحِمٍ
وَأَبيَضَ كَالإِغرِيضِ لَم يتَثَّلمِ
6. Look, my friend, can you see from among the maidens
Who departed at midnight from the tribe of Mun'im
٦. تَبَصَّر خَلِيلَي هَل تَرى مِن ظَعائِنٍ
رَحَلنَ بِنصِف الليلِ مِن بَطنِ مُنعِمِ
7. And in the morning were like gentle, tender gazelles
Heading toward a lover, hoping and watching wistfully
٧. وَأَصبَحنَ كالدَومِ النَواعِمِ غُدوَةً
عَلى وِجهَةٍ مِن ظاعِنٍ يَتَوسَّمٍ
8. And convey to 'Iqal that the plot of Dahis
Thwart it with your hands or confront it and go forth
٨. وَبَلِّغ عِقالاً أَنَّ خُطَّةَ داحِسٍ
بِكفَّيكَ فَاِستَأخِر لَها أَو تَقَدَّمِ
9. It will protect Wael against us with our blood
As if you were unaware of what befell our tribe, blind man
٩. تُجِيرُ عَلَينا وائِلاً بِدِمائِنا
كَأَنَّكَ عَمّا نَابَ أشياعَنا عَمِ
10. Kulaib, by my life, was more of a helper
And lighter of guilt than you, stained with blood
١٠. كُليبُ لَعَمرِي كانَ أَكثَرَ ناصِراً
وَأَيسَرَ جُرماً مِنكَ ضُرِّجَ بِالدَمِ
11. He pierced the udder of Nab with a lasting stab
Like the ornamented edge of a Yemeni embossed sword
١١. رَمى ضَرعَ نابٍ فَاِستَمرَّ بِطَعنَةٍ
كَحاشِيَةِ البُردِ اليَماني المُسَهَّمِ
12. And the deaf spear shaft does not sense its hardness
From the wealth of the loud-wailing, wronged family
١٢. وَلاَ يَشعُرُ الرُمحُ الأَصَمُّ كُعوبُهُ
بَثروَةِ رَهط الأَعيَطِ المُتَظَلَّمِ
13. So he said to Jassas, "Quench my thirst with a drink
With which you oblige me and from which I will benefit."
١٣. فَقالَ لِجسّاسٍ أَغثِني بَشَربَةِ
تَمُنَّ بِها فَضلاً عَليَّ وَأَنعِمِ
14. But he replied, "You went beyond the numbered wells
And the belly of Shubayth, which holds abundant water."
١٤. فَقالَ تَجاوَزت الاحَصَّ وَماءَهُ
وَبطنَ شُبَيثٍ وَهوَ ذُو مُتَرَسَّمِ
15. When the she-camels strode on through the journey, they finished their course
Flowing down the valley, riding the darkness
١٥. فَلَمّا اِرعَوَت فِي السيرِ قَضَّينَ سَيرَها
تَحُّدرَ أَحوى يَركَبُ الدَوَّ مُظلِمِ
16. You see the grim-faced company - when they set forth
They have mounts like the sea that never stumbles
١٦. تَرى المَعشَرَ الكُلفَ الوُجُوهِ إِذا انَتَدوا
لَهُم ثائِبُ كَالبَحرِ لَم يَتَصرَّمِ
17. And you made miserable the days of Harour with worry
About water until the spittle dried up in the mouth
١٧. وَحُلِّئتَ أَيّامَ الحَرُورِ بحموَةٍ
عَنِ الماءِ حَتّى يَعصِبَ الرِيقُ بِالفَمِ
18. Convey to Qushayr and al-Harrish, what
Has parrying my insult returned in your hands?
١٨. أَبلِغ قُشَيرا وَالحَرِيشَ فَما
ذا رَدَّ في أَيدِكُمُ شَتمي
19. They fell upon a lion at the instance of an eye's blink
With the slashing of sinewy arms, resolute, unflinching
١٩. سَقَطُوا عَلى أَسَد بلَحظَةَ مَش
بوحِ السَواعِدِ بِاسِلٍ جَهمِ
20. Were it not for Ibn Harithah, the prince
You would have shrunk from my insult despite yourself
٢٠. لَولا اِبنُ حارِثَةَ الأَمِيرُ لَقَد
أَغضَيتَ مِن شَتمي عَلى رَغمِ
21. Except like one averse, frowning, who deliberately
Provokes me unjustly with blame
٢١. إِلاَّ كَمُعرِضٍ المُحسِّرِ بَكرَهُ
عَمداً يُسَبَّبُني عَلى الظُّلمِ
22. You unleashed your passion after an impoverished woman
Whose ribs show through her skin
٢٢. وَدَعَوتَ لَهفَكَ بَعدَ فاقِرةٍ
تُبدِي مَحارِفُها عَنِ العَظمِ
23. What you did was a duty just as
Adultery is the duty of being stoned
٢٣. كانَت فَرِيضَةَ ما أَتَيتَ كَما
كانَ الزِناءُ فَرِيضَةَ الرَجمِ
24. We are horsemen on the day of Daysaqah
No coward's reaching for the shield's handle
٢٤. نَحنُ الفَوارِسُ يَومَ دَيسَقَةَ ال
مَغشُو الكُماةِ غَوارِبِ الأَكمِ
25. Our swords in your environs are, for you
A sincere, knowing affliction and trial
٢٥. وَسُيُوفُنا بِنِساحَ عِندَكُمُ
مِنها بَلاءٌ صادِقٌ العِلمِ
26. It is He who repelled the tribes with the
Two campaigns with a planet, bright and brilliant
٢٦. وَهُوَ الَّذي رَدَّ القَبائِلَ بِال
يَنسُوعَتَينِ بِكُوكَبٍ فَخمِ
27. They walk while the Great Bear rises above them
Glowing with the glow of a star
٢٧. يَمشُونَ وَالماذِيُّ فَوقَهُمُ
يَتَوَقَّدُونَ تَوَقدُّ النَجمِ
28. Ask about them a lion, if the war of an enemy is set
Inciting and enraging without purpose
٢٨. وَاِسأَل بِهِم أَسَداً إِذا جُعَلَت
حَربُ العَدُوِّ تَشُولُ عَن عُقمِ
29. Scenting with long noses, the necks of tall, proud
Stallions, no short and stumpy steeds
٢٩. شُمُّ الأُنُوفِ طِوالُ أَنضِيَةِ ال
أَعناقِ غَيرِ تَنابِلٍ كُزمِ
30. Chewing in affliction what was inflicted
Like the chewing of a mangy camel
٣٠. مُتَخَمِّطاً فِيما أُصيبَ مِن ال
دَرواءِ مِثلَ تَخَمطُِّ القَرمِ