1. Sitting reminds me of God
And tears flow copiously from my eyes
١. باتَت تُذَكِّرِنُي بِاللَهِ قاعِدَةً
وَالدَمعُ يَنهَلُّ مِن شَأنَيهِما سَبَلا
2. O daughter of my uncle, God's book has taken me away from you
Could I have prevented what God had ordained?
٢. يا بنَةَ عَمِّي كِتابُ اللَهِ أَخرَجَني
عَنكُم وَهَل أَمنَعَنَّ اللَهَ ما فَعَلا
3. If I return, the Lord of all people will make me return
And if I meet my Lord, then seek a replacement
٣. فَإِن رَجَعتُ فَرَبُّ الناسِ يُرجِعُني
وَإِن لَحِقتُ بِرَبّي فَابتَغي بَدَلا
4. I was not lame or blind to be excused
Nor suffering from poverty, unable to move
٤. ما كُنتُ أَعرَجَ أَو أَعمًى فَيَعذِرَني
أَو ضارِعاً مِن ضنًى لَم يَستَطِع حِوَلا
5. I had a burning need
Which I hoped to fulfill, a camel laden
٥. وَحَاجَة مِثلِ حَرِّ النارِ داخِلَةٍ
سَلّيتُها بأَمونٍ ذُمِّرَت جَمَلا
6. The lying, deceitful one, hiding in the well
Her legs outspread, lacking any sense
٦. مَطوِيَّةِ الزَّورِ طَيَّ البِئرِ دَوسَرةٍ
مَفرُوشِة الرِجلِ فَرشاً لَم يَكُن عَقَلا
7. As if, after being impregnated by the devil
She was possessed, wandering the sands
٧. كَأَنَّها بَعدَما جَدَّ النَجاءُ بِها
بِالشيِّطينِ مَهاةُ سُروِلَت رَمَلا
8. She spent the night with a fox, trying to arouse him
A sly leader, if he desired the likes of her
٨. باتَت بِذِي الحَومِ تُزجِيهِ ويَتبَعُها
سِيدٌ أَزَلُّ إِذا ما استَأَنسَت مَثَلا
9. She incited him, but he refused to respond
So she was sure that he was dead or eaten
٩. فاستَشعَرَت وَأَبى أَن يَستَجِيبَ لَها
فَأَيقَنَت أَنَّهُ قَد ماتَ أَو أُكِلا
10. Then she was aroused, after sensing the scent
Of a bold hunter, naked of weapons
١٠. فَهاجَها بَعدَما رِيَعت أَخو قَنَصٍ
عارِي الأَشاجعِ مِن نَبهانَ أَو ثُعَلا
11. With dogs like flash floods, pinning him down
The brother of a rat, dirty and unkempt
١١. بِأَكلُبٍ كَقِداحِ النَبعِ يُوسِدُها
طِملُ أَخُو قَفرَةٍ غَرثانُ قَد نَحَلا
12. She left none of them alive
Until she quenched their thirst with the cup of death
١٢. فَلَم تَدَع وَاحِداً مِنهُنَّ ذا رَمَقٍ
حَتّى سَقَتهُ بِكَأسِ المَوتِ فَانجَدَلا
13. Whenever she approached battle, she made him
A harbinger of death, teaching him to withdraw
١٣. إِذا أَتى مَعرَكاً مِنها تُعرِّفُهُ
مُحرَنبِئاً عَلَّمَتهُ المَوتَ فانقَفَلا
14. Until when the peasants descended and
The winds ceased, leaving the open plain
١٤. حَتّى إِذا هَبَطَ الأَفلاَحَ وَاِنقَطَعَت
عَنُه الجَنُوبُ وَحَلَّ الغائِطَ السَهِلا
15. He complained and yearned for his mother
While she yearned for him, addling the mind
١٥. أَشكى وَلَهَّفَ أمَّيهِ وَقَد لَهِفَت
أُمّاهُ والأُمُ مِمّا يُنحِلُ الخَبَلا
16. I never disobeyed any leader unless accused
By me, but one's fate is unforeseen
١٦. وَما عَصَيتُ أَمِيراً غَيرَ مُتَّهَمٍ
عِندي وَلكِنَّ أَمرَ المَرءِ ما ارتَجَلا