1. What fault is mine if I dwelt in her abode
And lingered there like a thief behind her wall?
١. ماذا عليَّ إذا نزلتُ بدارِها
وأقمتُ مثلَ اللصِّ خلفَ جِدارها
2. If from the garden of sorrow I plucked a tear
And my cup gave answer to the questioning of its fruits?
٢. وقطفتُ من حُزْنِ الحديقةِ دَمْعةً
وأجَبْتُ كأسي عن سؤالِ ثِمارها
3. If I whispered softly in the ear of the breeze
To shatter her window pane beneath its curtain,
٣. وهمستُ في أذُن الهَواءِ بخفّةٍ
ليحطِّمَ الشُبّاكَ تحتَ سِتارها
4. That I might see how her pillow slumbers
And gardens of crystal around her hips?
٤. فَأرَى الوسادةَ كيفَ يغفو طرْفُها
وحَدائقُ البِلّوْرِ حولَ إزارها!
5. What fault is mine if I looked with a smile
On the night as it moaned in fear of her dawn
٥. ماذا عليَّ إذا نَظرْتُ بضِحكةٍ
للّيلِ وهو يَئِنُّ خَوْفَ نَهارها
6. While the bees were busy gathering nectar
From the seductions of apples in their bloom?
٦. والنحلُ مشغولٌ بجمْعِ رحيقهِ
من فتنةِ التفّاحِ فوق عِذارها
7. I drank until my mind was dizzy with thought
And awoke asking: What is the way to her house?
٧. فَشربتُ حتى أثمَلتني فكرتي
وَصَحوتُ أسألُ: ما السبيلُ لِدارِها؟