
He who you trust betrays you


1. He who you trust betrays you
And speaks as they spoke

١. يخونكَ مَن بهِ تَـثِـقُ
وَينْطِقُ مِثلما نَطقُوا

2. Words that did not hit
Anything but lies, and they were not truthful

٢. كلامًا ما أصَابَ بهِ
سِوى كَذِبٍ، وما صَدقُوا؟

3. The passers-by have turned away
From my water villages - in them they drowned

٣. تولّى العابرونَ سُدىً
قِرَى مائي.. الْـ بهِ غَرِقُوا

4. So do not feel safe... your passion is enough
For lovers - what they loved

٤. فلا تأمَنْ... كفاكَ هَوَىً
بهِ العُشَّاقُ ما عَشِقُوا