
O Amman, how the lands have narrowed with people


1. O Amman, how the lands have narrowed with people
Yet you have expanded, O chest determined with resolve

١. عمّانُ كمْ ضاقتْ بلادٌ بالوَرى
ووَسعْتِ يا صَدْرًا تعمَّدَ بالسَّما

2. For you, O refuge of the eye, is the mercy of the Merciful
If tears fell; seven appeared as healing

٢. لكِ يا مَلاذَ العَينِ رأفةُ راحمٍ
إنْ أدمَعَتْ؛ سَبْعٌ تجلَّتْ بلْسَما

3. The torrent overflowed upon your soil and its maidens
Were like martyrs when the fever flowed from it

٣. فاضَ السَّبيلُ على ثَراكِ وحُورُهُ
كنَّ الشّواهدَ إذْ جَرَى مِنهُ الحِمَى

4. Sisters of Arabism are in agony in mourning
Mourning those who sowed the spring and made it grow

٤. هاؤمْ شقيقاتُ العروبةِ في ضَنَى
أضنينَ مَنْ بَذَرَ الربيعَ وبَرعَما

5. Cities where death seems the secret of their air
And people in a death as though they are the blood

٥. مُدنٌ كأنَّ الموتَ سِرُّ هوائِها
والناسُ في موتٍ كأنّهمُ الدُّمَى