
A toy gifted to a toy


1. A toy gifted to a toy
From a young man who hides his love

١. لُعبَةٌ تُهدى لِلعُبَةْ
مِن فَتىً يَكتُمُ حُبَّهْ

2. If you would be pleased with anything
Other than it, he would give you his heart

٢. أَنتِ لَو تَرضَينَ شَيئاً
غَيرَها أَعطاكِ قَلبَهْ

3. So remember him, for he is
Preoccupied with thoughts of you in his heart

٣. فَاِذكُريهِ فَهُوَ قَد أَشـ
ـغَلَ في ذِكراكِ لُبَّهْ

4. Respond to kindness with kindness
That's how love is fulfilled

٤. قابِلي الحُسنى بِعَطفٍ
هكَذا تَقضي المَحَبَّهْ

5. Perhaps what I said displeased you
And you responded with anger

٥. رُبَّما ساَءَكِ ما قُل
تُ فَجاوَبتِ بِغَضبَهْ

6. If you wish, it's truth
If you wish, it's a lie

٦. إِن تَشائي فَهوَ صِدقٌ
أَو تَشائي فَهوَ كِذبَهْ