1. We did not bear swords for ruin,
But for restoring what was lost and plundered.
١. نَحنُ لَم نَحمِلِ السُيوفِ لِهَدرٍ
بَل لِإِحقاقِ ضائِعٍ مَهدورِ
2. We did not raise torches for mischief,
But for guidance and enlightenment.
٢. نَحنُ لَم نَرفَعِ المَشاعِلَ لِلحَر
قِ وَلكِن لِلهَديِ وَالتَنويرِ
3. We did not stab conscience, but rather,
With our spears conscience's stab was protected.
٣. نَحنُ لَم نَطعَنِ الضَميرَ وَلكِن
بِقَنانا اِحتَمى طَعينُ الضَميرِ
4. In us was the aid of the oppressed,
And the repair of the shattered and broken.
٤. كانَ فينا نَصرُ الضَعيفِ المُعَنّى
وَاِنجِبارُ المُحَطَّمِ المَكسورِ
5. My nation, if leaders should oppress you,
Do not despair, go forth and proceed.
٥. أُمَّتي إِن تَجرؤْ عَلَيكِ الزَعاما
تُ فَلا تَيأَسي ذَريها وَسيري
6. The beautiful old is the feather of your wings,
So flutter through the worlds and fly.
٦. القَديمُ الجَميلُ ريشُ جَناحَي
كِ فَرَفِّي في العالَمينَ وَطيري