1. Leave me be, for you have awakened the dormant sorrows in me
And ignited the wounds of love in my bleeding heart
١. دَعيني فَقَد أَيقَظتِ بي كامِنَ الأَسى
وَهِجتِ جِراحَ الحُبِّ في قَلبيَ الدامي
2. You betrayed me and now come seeking my forgiveness
For breaking the pact of love after agreeing to it
٢. غَدَرتِ وَجِئتِ الآنَ تَستَغفِرينَني
لِنَقضِكِ عَهدَ الحُبِّ مِن بَعدِ إِبرامِ
3. Leave me be, for my heart no longer holds any affection for you
Nor do my tears flow at our painful separation
٣. دَعيني فَلا قَلبي عَلَيكِ بِعاطِفٍ
حَناناً وَلا دَمعي لَدى فُرقَةٍ هامي
4. Indeed I lost my mind in you, and here I am
Having found out after delusion the way of love
٤. لَقَد ضَلَّ عَقلي فيكِ وَها أَنا
عَرَفتُ سَبيلَ الحُبِّ مِن بَعدِ تَهيامي
5. You grew up nourished on my soul and blood
But in vain, my days were wasted in loving you
٥. رَبيتِ عَلى روحي نَعمْ وَعَلى دَمِي
وَلكِن سُدىً ضاعَت بِحُبِّكِ أَيّامي
6. If only I had believed my blamers from the start
And obeyed at the beginning of rebuke my reproachers
٦. فَيالَيتَني مِن قَبلُ صَدَّقتُ عُذَّلي
وَطاوَعتُ في بدءِ المَلامَةِ لوّامي
7. I built and elevated false hopes
Only for you to demolish with betrayal my towering dreams
٧. بَنيتُ وَأَعلَيتُ الأَمانيَ ضَلَّةً
فَهَدَّمتِ لي بِالغَدرِ شامِخَ أَحلامي
8. You erased from my heart so that neither your name lives on it
Nor the flowers of passion remain blossoming on it
٨. طَمَستِ عَلى قَلبي فَلا اِسمُكِ فَوقَهُ
يَعيشُ وَلا زَهَو الهَوى فَوقَهُ نامي
9. And your heart, oh what a betraying heart
I will crush it in vengeance for my heart beneath my feet
٩. وَقَلبُكِ هذا يا لِقَلبِكِ غادِراً
سَأَسحَقُهُ ثَأراً لِقَلبي بِأَقدامي
10. So taste what I have tasted, you wronged me
With my love, my hopes, though I am no wrongdoer
١٠. فَذوقي الَّذي قَد ذُقتُ أَنتِ ظَلَمتِني
بِحُبّي وَآمالي وَلَستُ بِظَلّامِ