1. Is there naught but a torrent of spilling blood
To quench the burning thirst of the wrathful?
١. هَل غَيرُ سَيلٍ مِن دَمٍ دافِقِ
يَروي غَليلَ الساخِطِ الحانِقِ
2. Or naught but the saliva of vipers and snakes
To dispel the gloom from my heart?
٢. أَم غَيرَ لَألاءِ الظِبا وَالقَنا
يُزيلُ مِن قَلبي دُجى الغاسِقِِ
3. I’ve come to hate this world. Is there no refuge
In another world for the fleeing?
٣. كَرِهتُ ذا العالِمَ هَل مَأبَقٌ
في عالَمٍ آخَرَ لِلآبِقِ
4. Life has grown narrow for me, and I
Am narrower in it than a squeezed lad.
٤. ضاقَت بِيَ الدُنيا وَإِنّي بِها
أَضيَقُ يا لي مِن فَتىً ضائِقِ
5. My soul is a burden heavy on my shoulders.
When will I cast off the burden from my shoulders?
٥. روحِيَ عِبءٌ مُثقِلٌ عاتِقي
أَيّانَ أَلقِى العِبءَ عَن عاتِقي
6. They wrong people, but I sell to people with honesty.
When will I be under the soil's dust
٦. تَغلو عَلى الناسِ وَلكِنَّني
أَبيعُها لِلنّاسِ بِالدافِقِ
7. Grinding me with merciless shackles?
And close my eyes to a world
٧. مَتى أَراني بِتُّ طَيَّ الثَرى
يَسحَقُني بِالكَلكَلِ الساحِقِ
8. Where none prospers except the wicked;
Where the liar gains his wishes
٨. وَأَغمِضُ العَينَينِ عَن عالَمٍ
لا يَعتَلى فيهِ سِوى الفاسِقِ
9. While misery is reserved for the truthful and honest;
Where welfare and bread have become
٩. يَحظى بِهِ الكَذّابُ بِالمُشتَهى
وَالتَعسُ لِلمُخلِصِ وَالصادِقِ
10. A monopoly for some, while woe to the thief;
They have created the thief out of need,
١٠. الخَيرُ وَالخُبزُ غَدا حِكرَةً
لِبَعضِهِم وَالوَيلُ لِلسّارِقِ
11. Yet it is said this is the Just Almighty's portioning.
O logic that has not been watered from a mind -
١١. هُم أَوجَدوا السارِقَ مِن حاجَةٍ
وَقيلَ هذي قِسمَةُ الخالِقِ
12. Dumbness is better than speaking to the idiot.
Justice has been erased, so there is no justice;
١٢. يا مَنطِقاً لَم يُروَ عَن عاقِلٍ
العَيُّ خَيرٌ مِنهُ لِلنّاطِقِ
13. Is there no destroyer for the people of the earth?
When will I see right and its people
١٣. قَد مُحِقَ العَدلُ فَلا عادِلٌ
أَما لِأَهلِ الأَرضِ مِن ماحِقِ
14. Ascending from the lowest to the highest places?
And see wrong and its people
١٤. مَتى أَرى الحَقَّ وَأَصحابَهُ
يَعلونَ مِن أَدنى إِلى شاهِقِ
15. Plunging from the highest to the grinding.
١٥. وَأُبصِرُ الشَرَّ وَأَربابَهُ
يَهوونَ مِن أَعلى إِلى ساحِقِ