
My people, you are an example for all peoples

قومي لأنتم عبرة الأقوام

1. My people, you are an example for all peoples
Are you said to belong to Yafith or Shem?

١. قَومي لَأَنتُم عِبرَة الأَقوامِ
هَل تُنسَبونَ لِيافِتٍ أَو سامِ

2. The sons of my uncle from Nizar and Yagrob
Are neither Bedouin nor non-Arabs

٢. أَبناءُ عَمّي مِن نِزارٍ وَيَغرُبٍ
لَيسوا بِأَعرابٍ وَلا أَعجامِ

3. They emulate the West until they are about
To worship it with the worship of idols

٣. يَتَرَسَّمونَ الغَربَ حَتّى يُوشِكوا
أَن يَعبُدوهُ عِبادَةَ الأَصنامِ

4. They did not imitate its insight, but rather
Followed its system without a system

٤. ما قَلَّدوهُم مُبصِرينَ وَإِنَّما
تَبِعوا نِظامَهُمُ بِغَيرِ نِظامِ

5. The West has customs like gases that crept
Through the East in the manner of disease in bodies

٥. لِلغَربِ عاداتٌ كَغازاتٍ سَرَت
في الشَرقِ مَسرى الداءِ بِالأَجسامِ

6. Do not trust the colonizers, for how often do they have
A war whose face is masked by peace?

٦. لا تَأمَنوا المُستَعمِرينَ فَكَم لَهُم
حَربٌ تَقَنَّعَ وَجهُها بِسَلامِ

7. A war on the language and land of the countries
It is not waged with cannon and sword

٧. حَربٌ عَلى لُغَةِ البِلادِ وَأَرضِها
لَيسَت تُشَنُّ بِمَدفَعٍ وَحُسامِ

8. And if its homelands are safe for a people
While its tongue is not, it fears the cutting of tents

٨. وَالشَعبُ إِن سَلِمَت لَهُ أَوطانُهُ
وَلِسانُهُ لَم يَخشَ قَطعَ الهامِ

9. I do not know an Arab twisting his jaw
If he ever did, his jaw would be with speech

٩. لا أَعرِفُ العَرَبِيَّ يَلوى فَكَّهُ
إِنَّ هَمَّ يَوماً فَكُّهُ بِكَلامِ

10. If his mouth is heard with hated dialect
In it is the Saxon chanting of tunes

١٠. إِن فاهَ تَسمَعُ لَكنَةً مَمقوتَةً
مَن فيهِ سَكسونِيَّة الأَنغامِ

11. A word of eloquence and another coarse
Like gas mixed in a cup of alcohol

١١. لَفظاً مِنَ الفُصحى وَآخَرَ نابِياً
كَالغازِ مَمزوجاً بِكَأسِ مُدامِ

12. My anguish over eloquence, a group
Of its people paralyzed the thrower's right hand

١٢. لَهفي عَلى الفُصحى رَماها مَعشَرٌ
مِن أَهلِها شُلَّت يَمينُ الرامي

13. They did not find its treasures, so there they are
Throwing it into poverty and extinction

١٣. لَم يَهتَدوا لِكُنوزِها فَإِذا بِهِم
يَرمونَها بِالفَقرِ وَالإِعدامِ

14. The pearls are hidden in the folds of the sea
And the gold, if you wish it, beneath the sand dunes

١٤. الدَرُّ في طَيِّ البُحورِ مُخَبَّأٌ
وَالتِّبرُ إِن تَنشدهُ تَحتَ رُغامِ

15. The Arabs will not regain their past glory
While their tongue is the target of my arrows

١٥. لَن يَستَعيدَ العُربُ سالِفَ مَجدِهِم
وَلِسانُهُم غَرَضٌ لِرَميِ سِهامي

16. To rebuild what crumbled of their structure
The “d” is the first wall and pillar

١٦. أَن يَرفَعوا ما اِنقَضَّ مِن بُنيانِهِم
فَالضادُ أَوَّلُ حائِطٍ وَدعامِ

17. If an Easterner boasts of other than Arabs
His ancestors the Turks and Byzantines

١٧. إِن يَزهُ شَرقِيٌّ بِغَيرِ العُربِ مِن
أَجدادِهِ الأَتراكِ وَالأَروامِ

18. Then I am proud that I do not belong
To the non-Arabs, my uncles and paternal uncles

١٨. فَأَنا الفَخورُ بِأَنَّني لا يَنتَمي
لِلعُجمِ أَخوالي وَلا أَعمامي

19. If you ask about me, to whom do I belong?
To the shepherds of camels and sheep

١٩. إِن تَسأَلوا عَنّي إِلى مَن أَنتَمي
فَإلى رُعاةَ النوقِ وَالأَغنامِ

20. Is glory sought without the glory of the sons of Nizar and Yagrob?
An Iraqi boasts and a Levantine is proud

٢٠. أَبِغَيرِ مَجدِ بَني نِزارَ وَيَعرُبٍ
يُزهى عِراقِيٌّ وَيَفخَرُ شامي