
I have embraced you both to a chest with the love


1. I have embraced you both to a chest with the love
Of the Prophet, his family, and his companions alive

١. ضممتُكما إلى صدرٍ بحبِّ
النبيّ وآلهِ وصِحابهِ حيْ

2. And you have spent the night in it and from it
So move about in it from a living being to living

٢. وقد أمسيْتُما فيهِ ومنهُ
فسِيرا فيه من حيٍّ إلى حَيْ

3. And do not dread the airs of a heart
Filled with hatred and abomination living

٣. ولا تتهيَّبا أجواءَ قلبٍ
من الأحقادِ والبُغضِ خوىْ خيْ

4. In the shadow of the companions and family sufficient
So wander about in it from grace to grace

٤. بظلِّ الصّحبِ والآلِ كفيٌّ
فطُوفا فيهِ من فيٍ إلى فيْ

5. And the planting of Muhammad is the origin of shades
So whoever takes refuge in Ahmad lives in comfort

٥. وغرسُ محمّدٍ أصلُ الظّلالِ
فمنْ لاذَ بأحمدَ عاشَ في ريْ

6. And wherever you prostrated, the reward is fulfilled
And all the mosques of God in it are good

٦. وأينَ سجدْتُما فالأجرُ مقضِيْ
وكلُّ مساجدِ اللهِ بهِ سَيْ

7. And no knowledge except the knowledge of the Prophet
With a heart that has no room in it for an illiterate

٧. ولا علمَ سوى علمِ النبيِّ
بقلبٍ لا مكانَ بهِ لأُمّيْ

8. And no words above what he said, that
The interpretation of his words is a kind of deviation

٨. ولا قولَ علىْ ما قالَ إنّ
تأوُّلَ قولهِ ضربٌ من الغيْ  

9. The inhabitants of the universe surrendered to
The Lord of the worlds, is there a mention of Sunni and Shiite?

٩. لربِّ الكونِ أسلمَ قاطنوهُ
أمِنْ ذِكْرٍ لسنيٍّ وشيعيْ؟

10. Is there a mention of an Absi among them, in which a Qaysi socializes with a Yamani
Or a mention of an Abs or Tayy among them?

١٠. يُمازجُ فيه قيسِيٌّ يَمانيْ
أمِنْ ذكرٍ لعبسٍ فيهِ أو طيْ؟

11. They and Adam are of dust
Have you distinguished between a Persian and an Iraqi?

١١. لآدمَ هُمْ وآدمُ من ترابٍ
أمزتُمْ فارسيًّا من عِراقيْ؟

12. So strange are the two branches of the Prophet
Conflict in the countries and harmony in!

١٢. فيا عجبًا لغصنيِّ النبيِّ
خصامٌ في البلادِ وأُلفةٌ فيْ!

13. Behold, the countries of the Arabs are a heart
God bought with an eastern and a western

١٣. ألا إنَّ بلادَ العُربِ قلبٌ
شرى اللهَ بشرقيٍّ وغربِيْ  

14. So it has become a place for devils
And from those who surrendered to God protected!

١٤. فأمسىْ للشياطينِ مقامًا
وممّنْ أسلمُوا للهِ محمِيْ!

15. You see its humanity in the garb of a jinni
So also its jinn in the garb of a human

١٥.  ترى إنسيَّها في ثوبِ جنّيْ
كذا جنيَّها في ثوبِ إنسِيْ

16. So from it is the yellow Roman and the black
Abyssinian and the beautiful local

١٦. فمنها الأصفرُ الروميُّ والأسْ
ودُ الحبشيُّ والجوْنُ المَحلِّيْ

17. And from it is the leader who examines and the
Merchant who stuffs and the permit-giving jurist

١٧. ومنها القائدُ المخصيُّ والتّا
جرُ المحشوُّ والمُفتي الإباحيْ

18. And from it is the disappointed exile and the
Corrupt worker and the parasite of Tufail

١٨. ومنها الخائبُ المنفيُّ والعا
ملُ المرشوّ والتَّبَعُ الطفيليْ

19. Countries that bare the breast for a western
And with her lawful, the dress is legitimate!

١٩. بلادٌ تعتقُ النّهدَ لغربيْ
وعندَ حليلِها فاللبسُ شرعِيْ!

20. Countries whose good is for the foreigner
And from her own blood, good is hidden

٢٠. بلادٌ خيرُها للأجنبيِّ
وعن فِلْذاتها فالخيرُ مخفِيّ

21. Enmities have coexisted in the countries
Of Arabism between strangers to life

٢١. تهادنتِ الضغائنُ في بلادِ
العروبةِ بين أغرابٍ عنِ الحَيْ

22. And its worst was kept under domes
For an Imami or a Sunni to carry

٢٢.  وأُبقيَ شَرُّها تحتَ القبابِ
ليحملَها إماميٌّ وسُنّيْ

23. Verily, two grandsons are distant from origin
Busy with fabrication and illusion

٢٣. ألا بُعدًا لسبطينِ عنِ الأصْ
لِ قد شُغِلا بمُخْتلَقٍ ووهمِيْ

24. Like two twigs, they have lengthened and bent
Plaint for a western and eastern

٢٤. كفرعينِ وقد طالا ومالا
رقيقين لغربيٍّ وشرقيْ

25. And they have been burdened with the nonsense they carried
So they were uprooted like unwatered wood

٢٥. وقد ثقُلا بما حمَلا من البَهْ
تِ فانتُزعا كعودٍ غير مَروِيْ

26. Verily, shame on those who were hostile to their brother
And the right path was clear to him from misguidance

٢٦. ألا بُعدًا لمن جافى أخاهُ
وقد بان لهُ الرّشدُ من الغَيْ