1. You disguise yourself, yet no matter how you change your face
The ugly remains ugly in the eyes
١. تقنّعْ فكيفما تبَدَّلَ وجْهكَ
القبيح تظلُّ في العيونِ دنيّا
2. You camouflage yourself, yet no matter how your skin changes color
Your fraud is evident and not hidden
٢. تلوّنْ فكيفما تلوَّنَ جلدُك
فغلُّك بائنٌ وليس خفيّا
3. No matter how you try to conceal your nature
You remain the most ignoble
٣. ومهما تفنّنتْ بإخفاءِ كنهها
تظلّ الحرابيُّ أقلّ رقيّا
4. You boast, yet in the heart of your boast is decay
And in its eyes is your evident decay
٤. تكبّرْ ففي قلبِ تكبُّرِك الفنا
وفي عينهِ فناك بات جليّا
5. You act arrogantly, yet arrogant nations have passed
And the outcome was eternal damnation
٥. تجبّرْ فقد تجبّرتْ أممٌ خلتْ
فكان المآلُ نيطلا أبديّا
6. You stole the place and the most vulgar took shelter in you
And you were a patron to the wicked
٦. سرقتَ المكانَ وائْتسى بكَ أرذلُ
الزمانِ وكنت للّئامِ وليّا
7. And disgrace supported you with a people whose elders
Were shepherded by immorality and hypocrisy while young
٧. وأيّدك العارُ بقومٍ كبيرُهم
رعاهُ الفجورُ والنفاقُ صبيّا
8. You then worshipped Pharaoh and Haman
And were a horse for those who lost and were shamed
٨. فعدْتم لفرعونَ وهامانَ عُبَّدا
وكنتمْ لمن خابَ وعابَ مطيّا
9. Dreams carried you away, believing in delusions
While you were blind
٩. وطارت بك الأحلامُ غايتُها برو
ج وهمٍ أمِنْتها وكنتَ عميّا
10. Your words were poisoned and your tongue slept
So the generous recoiled into dust willfully
١٠. وسُمَّ كلامُك ونمَّ لسانك
فخفّ الكريمُ للترابِ رضيّا
11. And your actions were blameworthy and your afflictions spread
That even Satan, if he returned, would become devout
١١. وعابتْ فعالُك وعمّ بلاؤُك
وإبليس ودَّ لو يعودُ تقيّا
12. You lived as a swindler, your charity to the needy
Was from their own pockets - how generous you were!
١٢. وعشتَ مُدلّسًا عطاؤكَ للغري
رِ من جيْبِهِ وكم بذلتَ سخيَّا
13. Your charity increased and your wealth was sanctified
And you became the highest of the most vulgar
١٣. وزاد عطاؤُك وكُدِّسَ مالُك
وأمسيْت بين الأرذلينَ عليّا
14. The winds of the East roared and its expanses shook
So the constellations of your delusions perished
١٤. وهاجت رياحُ الشرق وانتفضتْ رما
لُهُ فغدَتْ بروجُ وهمِك جِيّا
15. You returned in the form of a crow claiming
To be the Creator - yet crows cannot create
١٥. فعدتَ بهيئة الغرابِ لتدّعي
الخلاقَ وما كان الغرابُ دعيّا
16. Did they not teach you that a constellation in the sky
Does not last? Or did you become forgetful?
١٦. أما علّموك أنّ برجاً على رما
لِنا لا يدومُ أم غدوتَ نسيّا
17. Neither the disguise, nor your nose
When you speak, doubt arises
١٧. وليس يفيدك القناعُ وأنفُك
اذا ما تحدثت استطال شكيّا
18. Do not claim excellence when you are its adversary
And you were nothing but a barbaric screamer
١٨. ولا تدّع الرقيَّ إذْ أنت خصمُه
وما كنت الا أرْعَناً همَجيّا
19. Do not let your chest reveal a sigh showing
Virility - for you are not virile
١٩. ولا يخرجنّ صدرك الآه مبدياً
إباءَ رجولةٍ فلستَ أبيّا
20. Nor let your eye reveal a teardrop displaying
Purity - for you are not pure
٢٠. ولا تذرفنّ عينك الدمع مبدياً
نقاءَ سريرةٍ فلستَ نقيّا
21. Do not claim to grieve over the state of a nation
That lost its way - for you are no guardian
٢١. ولا تدَّعِ الحزنَ على حال أمّةٍ
أضاعتْ طريقَها فلسْتَ وليّا
22. Reject your scripture and leave ours
For you were never faithful nor Arab
٢٢. ورتِّلْ كتابَكم وغادرْ كتابَنا
فما كنت مؤمناً ولا عربيّا
23. For is not one prophet enough for your wickedness
That crept from a delusion so you deemed yourself a prophet?
٢٣. وألفُ نبيٍّ ما كفوكَ ألوثةٌ
سرتْ من خيالٍ فاستحلتَ نبيَّا؟
24. And survival on land is no indication of strength
Or immunity - so you are not strong
٢٤. وليس البقاءُ فوق أرضٍ دليل قو
وةٍ أو مناعةٍ فلسْتَ قويّا
25. So praise the One who gave you a peaceful ladder agreeing
That you, O despicable one, became decent
٢٥. فأعجِبْ بمن أعْطاكَ سلمًا مُصدّقًا
بأنّك يا نذلُ غدوتَ سويّا
26. For the universe is corrupt and you are a symbol
Otherwise, what is the secret behind your survival?
٢٦. فقد فسدَ الكونُ وأنت علامةٌ
وإلّا فما سرّ بقائك حيّا
27. And if you doubt this speech, then borrow
Some intellect and ponder thoroughly
٢٧. وإن كنت في شكِّ من القولِ فاستعرْ
من العقل شيئاً ثمّ فكّرْ مليّا