
Lessen, for the builders have returned to rebuild


1. Lessen, for the builders have returned to rebuild
With an eye for which Satan and his son have paved the way

١. أقِلُّوا فقدْ عادَ البناةُ مُجدَّدا
بعينٍ لها الشيطانُ وابنهُ مهَّدا

2. In the land of Najd and Hijaz with a method
To renew the era of the transgressors from Quraish

٢. على أرضِ نجدٍ والحجاز بمنْهجٍ
لعهدِ العُتاةِ من قريشٍ مُجَدِّدا

3. The fraternity of religions, and they have promoted it
It is nothing but the revival of polytheism that has faded away

٣. مؤاخاةُ أديانٍ وقدْ روّجُوا لها
وليستْ سوى إحياءِ شركٍ تبدَّدا

4. With it, idols equate the One God
And Amr bin Hisham equates Muhammad

٤. بها تعدلُ الأوثانُ ربّاً مُوَحَّدا
ويعدلُ عمْرو بنُ هشامٍ مُحمَّدا

5. With it the Antichrist overlooks the day of his emergence
To Lat and Uzza as a blackened god

٥. بها يرقبُ الدجّالُ يومَ طلوعهِ
على اللّاتِ والعُزّى إلهًا مُسوَّدا

6. With it jurisprudence was replaced with adorned explanation
And a learned jurist with a jurist who adorned himself

٦. بها أُبدلَ الفِقهُ بشرحٍ مُهوَّدٍ
وشيخٌ مفقّهٌ بشيخٍ تهوَّدا

7. Lessen the analysis and interpretation, for the dust has cleared
From the Sacred House, chained

٧. أقِلّوا من التحليلِ والشّرحِ إذْ جلى
الغبارُ عن البيتِ الحرامِ مُصفَّدا

8. With a thousand idols, the horn of its elder
It proclaims that Al-Lat has returned and been rebuilt

٨. بألفٍ من الأصْنامِ قرْنُ كبيرِها
يبوحُ بأنّ اللّاتَ عادَ وشُيِّدا

9. From its heights, the form of something deviant has appeared
It is a house as if it were made to corrupt virtue

٩. بدتْ مِنْ أعاليها كرسمٍ يشذُّ عنْ
هُ بيتٌ كما لو كان للحُسْنِ مُفْسِدا

10. And about a church above the graves of the Companions
In it, the priest who has become master was revived

١٠. وعنْ مرقَصٍ فوق قُبورِ صحَابةٍ
بهِ حُيّيَ القيْنُ الّذي صارَ سيِّدا

11. And about the procession of Satan traversing your countries
And leaving a soldier at every door

١١. وعنْ موكبِ الشّيطان يطويْ بلادَكمْ
ويتركُ عندَ كلِّ بابٍ مُجنَّدا

12. To ambush those who refused to be fooled by the army
And to kill those who in their sleep came to the aid of Ahmad

١٢. لرصْدِ الّذي أبى علىْ الجُندِ مخْدَعا
وقتْلِ الّذي في نومهِ غاثَ أحْمَدا

13. Lessen hope in rights that the loyalist dictates
To those whose eyes he has enslaved

١٣. أقِلّوا الرّجاءَ في حقوقٍ يبثُّها
المَريدُ لكي تُمسوا لذي العينِ عُبَّدا

14. To it turns back every mind he has confused
And every heart whose senses he has deadened

١٤. إليها مردّ كل عقلٍ تبلّهَ
وكلّ فؤادٍ حسّهُ قد تبلّدا

15. With it, Layla became purchasable and sellable
And al-Walid became subservient to destruction

١٥. بها أصْبحَتْ ليلى تُباعُ وتُشترىْ
وأمسىْ الوليدُ للقِيانِ مُقلِّدا

16. Rights with which the ignorant are an evil worse than enemies
With them, Satan wins a definite victory

١٦. حقوقٌ بها الأهلُونَ شرٌّ من العِدا
بهمْ يغلبُ الشيطانُ غُلباً مُؤكَّدا

17. With them you meet tailless every night
Upon what you have spread out as an outstretched corpse

١٧. بها تلتقونَ أجْدعاً كلّ ليلةٍ
علىْ ما افْترَشْتُموه جِسْماً مُمدَّدا

18. And your children are not like you, rather with those
Who sells them atheism, bare knowledge

١٨. وأبناؤكُم ليسُوا بكُم إنّما بمَنْ
يبيعهمُ الإلْحادَ عِلْماً مُجرَّدا

19. And civilized approach, chained ancestry
And ink and pens and supported opinion

١٩. ونهْجاً مُمّدناً وجِنساً مُسلسَلا
وحِبراً وأقلاماً ورأْياً مؤيّدا

20. Lessen sleep, for your lives are in vain
And whoever lives today, his death will be tomorrow

٢٠. أقِلّوا من النومِ فأعمارُكمْ سدىً
ومنْ يعِش اليومَ يكُنْ موتُهُ غدا

21. Your sleep has been long while your day has not
You have spent the night seeing every opponent as immortal

٢١. وقدْ طالَ نومُكمْ وما طالَ يومُكمْ
فبتُّم ترونَ كلَّ خصمٍ مُخلَّدا

22. And God has unleashed upon you a sinner
For sleep, so he has wandered alone in the sky

٢٢. وقد سلَّط اللهُ عليكمْ مُذنَّبا
لنومٍ فجالَ في السّما مُتفرِّدا

23. With a thread of fire you think is lightning
Traversing the paths of polytheism in the abode of guidance

٢٣. بخيطٍ من النارِ تظنّونَه الضِّيا
يخطُّ دروبَ الشّركِ في موطنِ الهُدى

24. With a freedom with which the fetter of transgression was undone
And the precious one of dignity and humility was fettered

٢٤. بحُرّيةٍ فُكَّ بها غُلُّ من ردى
وغُلَّ الكريمُ ذو الإباءِ وجُلِّدا

25. Lessen play, for if it spreads
It will determine the fate of nations tomorrow

٢٥. أقلّوا من اللهوِ فإنّه إنّ فشا
غدا لمصائرِ الشّعوبِ مُحّدِّدا

26. And humiliation, may the heart have mercy on it if
And its graveyard is a heart far from play

٢٦. وإنّ الهوانَ رحمُهُ القلبُ إنْ لها
ومقبرُهُ قلبٌ عن اللّهوِ أبعدا

27. For your play has become a refuge for he of the eye
And what Satan and his son have observed

٢٧. وقد صارَ لهوكُمْ لذي العينِ مرْجِعا
وما يفعلُ الشيطانُ وابنهُ مَرْصَدا

28. According to your play will be your humiliation
And you will have, if you are certain of the situation, an appointment

٢٨. على قدْرِ لهوِكمْ يكونُ هوانكُمْ
وإنّ لكم إنْ أيْقنوا الحالَ موْعِدا

29. Lessen discourse that corrupts religion, defiant
And leave the killing of Sheikh to a stick and rebellion

٢٩. أقلّوا خطاباً يرِدُ الدينَ مُفسِدا
وهُبّوا لسحقِ من عصا وتمرَّدا

30. Its beginnings are praise of a leader who adorned himself
And its endings are supplications to be guided

٣٠. أوائلُهُ مدْحُ أميرٍ تهوَّدا
وآخرُهُ تضَرُّعٌ أنْ يُسَدَّدا

31. And what is between this and that are the battle glories of your past
As if I am reading fluctuating discourse

٣١. وما بينَ ذا وذا رواياتُ مجدِكمْ
كأنّي بها أسْرى خطابٍ تردّدا

32. So woe to a glory your pens seek to restore
To pass in discourse an eternal judgment

٣٢. فيا تعسَ مجْدٍ يسْتعيدُهُ حَبركُمْ
ليقضيَ في الخطابِ حُكماً مُؤبَّدا

33. Lessen and unsheathe swords whose wounds
Are the wounds of one who has lost his family

٣٣. أقلّوا وفرّحوا سيوفاً جراحُها
جراحُ الّذيْ باتَ لأهْليهِ فاقِدا

34. I see them cloaked with their tears, so woe
To a day in which they cloaked themselves in the blood of enemies

٣٤. أراها تسَربلَتْ بأدمُعها فيا
ليومٍ بهِ تسَربلَتْ بدمِ العِدا

35. Lessen, for the youngest of the people in enmity
Against the pillar of the abode counts when he passes judgement

٣٥. أقلّوا فإنّ أصغرَ القومِ في العِدا
علىْ عُمدةِ الدّيارِ يعْدُ متى عَدا

36. Lessen, for you will surely meet Him willingly
And surely the meeting with your Lord is no farther

٣٦. أقلّوا فإنّكم ملاقوهُ طُوَّعا
وإنّ لقاءَ ربّكمْ ليسَ أبْعَدا

37. Lessen so that you do not lose this life and the next
For then people will not extend to you a hand

٣٧. أقلّوا لكيلا تخْسروا الدّينَ والدنى
فلنْ يبْسُطَ الناسُ لكمْ حينَها يَدا

38. Lessen, for the most generous of houses are your houses
And the most generous of them is what continuously flows to the truth

٣٨. أقلّوا فأكرمُ البيوتِ بيوتُكمْ
وأكرمُها ما انفكّ للحقِّ رافِدا

39. Lessen, for the best of houses is your abode
And the best of them is what continuously flows to people as a place of return

٣٩. أقلّوا فأوّلُ البيوتِ بداركِمْ
وأوّلُها ما انفكّ للنّاسِ مَقصِدا