
Dream so that you may live, do not think your dreams too grand,


1. Dream so that you may live, do not think your dreams too grand,
A dream you will see fulfilled if you just keep dreaming.

١. إحلمْ لكيْ تحْيا ولا تسْتَعْظمِ
حُلْمًا تراءى بعدُ لمَّا تحلمِ  

2. Go after it fighting off hopelessness and despair,
Do not mourn lost illusions but be glad you dreamed.

٢. واخرُجْ إليهِ قاتلًا من دونِهِ
أوهامَ خُسْرانٍ ولا تترحَّمِ

3. Our dreams are the breath of life so give them some of your courage,
Let them breathe and grow strong on the gifts of your dreaming.

٣. أحلاُمنا يا صاحِ أنفاسُ الحيا
ةِ فأعطِها من حُلمِكَ المُسْتَعْظَمِ

4. And if you nourish them with care and compassion
They will reward you in turn, fill you with abundance.

٤. فإذا جرَتْ في صدْرِهِ أنفاسُها
أمسىْ لها قوتًا فأطعِمْ وارحَمِ

5. Dream on till you believe that you owe them nothing
Compared to how they nourish you, surround you with wonder.

٥. فإذا ربتْ أخذَتْ تردُّ إليكَ ما
قدَّمْتَ أضعافًا فأغْنِمْ واغنمِ

6. This is the way life gives when your dreaming is bold,
You keep growing together, you don't hold your dreams back.

٦. حتّى تظنَّ بأنّها لمْ تجتنيْ
شيئًا يليقُ بما حبَتْ منْ أنعُمِ

٧. صِفةُ الحياةِ إذا سمَحْتَ بحُلِمكَ
سمَحتْ بما ملكَتْ ولمْ تسْتَعْظمِ