
I spent my wealth and children for the love of "Dunya"

حبّ الدّنيا

1. I spent my wealth and children for the love of "Dunya"
Until my cheeks turned white with age like a newborn foal

١. بذلتُ في حبِّ "دنيا" المالَ والولَدا
فكان أنْ شيّبتْ ذؤابَتي ولَدا

2. I obeyed her passionately in her abode when I was young
But she herself never obeyed anyone

٢. أطعتُها وهوىً في دارها وُلِدا
وما خلا نفسَها فلم تطِعْ أحَدا

3. I endured hardship for her and waited for her long
But she ignored me for one who never gave her anything

٣. وهبتُها الصّعبَ وانتظرتُها أمدا
فجَاوزَتْني لمَنْ لم يُعطِها أبدا

4. I could not compete with her in stubbornness or help
So it was another who enjoyed her beauty exclusively

٤. ما طِقْتُ في أمرِها ندًّا ولا عضُدا
فكانَ غيري الّذي بحُسنِها انفرَدا

5. Until when life trembled awake frightened
From the intoxication of youth which was now gone

٥. حتّى إذا ما استفاقَ العُمْرُ مُرتعِدا
من سكرةٍ خمرُها الصِّبا وقدْ نفِدا

6. It said: You were not frugal in spending me
When you ardently pursued her bitter love

٦. قالَ تهاونْتَ بي ما كنتَ مُقتصِدا
إذْ سُقْتَ ليْ في هواها المرَّ مُجْتهِدا

7. Until the lowly origins criticized me
More special than the one who attained her and traveled far

٧. حتى تدَنَّى دنيُّ الأصْلِ مُنتقِدا
أخصُّ منْ نالهاوفرَّ مُبتعِدا

8. I made you drink from my wine so be steadfast
Degrade yourself with it though you seem to be lost

٨. إنّي لمُسقيكَ من خمْري فكُنْ جَلَدا
أرذِلْ بهِ إذْ به تُمسِي كمن فُقِدا

9. So be patient with its bitterness and do not say "it's ruined"
No bitterness is like what I made you drink at the streams

٩. فاصبرْ على مُرِّهِ ولا تقُلْ فسدا
ما مرّ مثلُ الّذيْ أسقَيْتني أوَدا

10. But if I wake up none ever woke from old age
After drinking it except the dead buried in their graves

١٠. فإن أفقتُ فما أفاقَ من هرمٍ
مُسْقيكَ إيّاه غيرُ ميّتٍ لُحِدا