
Do not insult an atheist in his death

لا تشتموا ملحدا

1. Do not insult an atheist in his death
With prayers to God that He may have mercy

١. لا تشتُموا مُلتحدًا في موتِهِ
بتَضَرُّعٍ للهِ حتّى يَرْحمَا

2. You have mercy on him whom with your prayers
Increased nothing but stubbornness and silence

٢. تترحَّمونَ علىْ الّذي بدُعائِكمْ
ما ازدادَ إلّا غِلظةً وتهَكُّما:

3. Worse than a company that Satan could not satisfy
Lest they fear hellfire

٣. أقبحْ بِها من رفقةٍ لمْ يكفِها
الشيطانُ بيْ كيْلا تهابَ جَهنَّما

4. Do not fuel it, rather extinguish it, for it is
Firewood for it and others, it will not be fed

٤. لا تُشعِلوهُ بلِ اطفئوهُ فإنّه
حطَبٌ لهَا ولغيرِها لنْ يُطعَما

5. And pray for him from those poisoned
That they may drink a cup and enliven a feast

٥. وادعوا لهُ من صوبَهمْ قدْ يمَّما
كيْ يشرَبوا كأسًا ويُحيوا مأْتَما

6. Then make gardens around the grave
And make rivers flow between them and breezes

٦. ثمَّ اجعلُوا حولَ الضّريحِ حدائقًا
واجْرُوا نُهورًا بينَها ونسَائِما

7. So the face of dust is not seen
Speaking of what he saw under the soil in pain

٧. كيْ لا يُرىْ وجهُ التُّرابِ مُحدِّثا
عمّا رأىْ تحتَ الثّرى مُتألِّما

8. When the dust is watered over him, have mercy
Until to him come those insulting

٨. فإذا الترابُ روَىْ عليهِ ترَحَّمُوا
حتّى يصيرَ إليهِ ذاكَ شتائِما

9. Then bury after him his opinions
In the soil of oblivion, so they are not known

٩. ثمَّ ادفنوا منْ بعدِهِ آراءهُ
في تربةِ النّسيانِ كيْ لا تُعلَما

10. Lest his memory be tortured thereafter
If an opinion centered on him or generalized

١٠. كيْلا يُعذّبَ ذكرُهُ منْ بعدِهِ
إنْ ملّ رأيٌ بيتَه أو عُمِّما

11. For the opinion, if not hidden, will not hide
The secret that with his departure may be completed

١١. فالرأيُ إنْ لمْ يُكْتمِ لنْ يَكْتُما
سرَّ الّذِي برحيلهِ قد يُتِّما

12. So when some of them realize his opinions
His limbs weaken and his mercy increases

١٢. فإذا تبيّنَ بعضُهمْ آراءَهُ
لانتْ جوارحُهُ وزادَ ترحُّمَا

13. Until they are both in torment together, so gently
Your friend wished for hell

١٣. حتّى يكونا في العذابِ معًا فرِفْ
قًا إنّ صاحبَكُم أرادَ جَهنَّما

14. The Merciful did not accept alive or dead
Until equal with those who submitted

١٤. لمْ يقبلِ الرّحمنَ حيًّا ميِّتا
حتّى يُساوىْ بالّذِي قدُ أسّلَما

15. We hope for mercy from our Lord
For the truthful even when he sins

١٥. إنّا لنرجوْ رحمةً مِنْ ربِّنا
لمُصَدِّقٍ حتّى إذا هوَ أجْرَما

16. Not for those who disbelieved in their Lord and they
Are of those whom their Lord favored

١٦. لا للّذينَ بربِّهمْ كفرُوا وهمْ
ممّن عليهِمْ ربّهم قدْ أنعما