1. Our hands were blessed,
Yet our lands were made barren.
١. وأنْعَمَتْ ايادينا
فأقفرتْ أراضينا
2. Our livestock grew weary,
And our springs turned to mud.
٢. وأجْهِدَتْ مواشينا
وصارَ نبْعُنا طِينا
3. How many horses were let loose,
On which our glory rode.
٣. وسُرِّحَتْ خيولٌ كمْ
علتْ بها معالينا
4. How much knowledge was neglected,
Which adorned our valleys.
٤. وأغْفِلَتْ علومٌ كمْ
سَمَتْ بها بوادينا
5. Ignorance replaced the knowledge
Of our jurists and judges.
٥. وبُدِّلتْ بجهلٍ صا
ر مُفتيْنا وقاضيْنا
6. Feeble minds were empowered,
The West became their religion.
٦. ومُلّكَتْ عقولٌ قدْ
غدا الغربُ لهَا دينا
7. We were left with no knowledge,
Crying out in our valleys.
٧. فأمسيْنا بلا علمٍ
ننادي في نوادينا
8. We oppose those who support us,
And support those who oppose us.
٨. نُعادي منْ يوالينا
نوالي منْ يعَاديْنا
9. From one West to another,
Our efforts went in vain.
٩. فمن غربٍ الى غربٍ
وقد خابتْ مَساعينا
10. Our meadows were disfigured,
We did not care.
١٠. وشُوِّهَتْ مواضينا
فخُنّا لا مُبالينا
11. Our values were belittled,
Our aspirations were estranged.
١١. وقُزِّمَتْ معانينا
وغُرِّبتْ مرَامينا
12. Platforms were built,
To hang what made us kin.
١٢. وشُيِّدتْ منصّاتٌ
لشنْقِ ما يُؤاخينا
13. To spread every hated thing,
And corrupt our songs.
١٣. وبثِّ كلّ مكْروهٍ
وافْسادِ أغانينا
14. To hide our beauty,
And expose our flaws.
١٤. وإخفاءِ مزايانا
وإبرازِ مساوينا
15. We no longer lamented
Our people or our folk.
١٥. وما عدْنا نَعي منْ نحْ
نُ أوْ منْ هم اهالينا
16. They came calling us,
With a right that was ours.
١٦. وجاءوْنا مُنادينا
بحقٍّ أصْلهُ فينا
17. We believed those who misled us,
And we became the misguided ones.
١٧. فصَدَّقْنا مُضلِّينا
وأمسيْنا مُضلّينا
18. We and the West remained
Obedient to Jacob.
١٨. فبتنا نحنُ والغرْبُ
ليعقوبَ مُطيعينا
19. We went against our teachings,
And became the condemned ones.
١٩. وخالفنا تعاليما
فاصبحنا مدانينا
20. We lost our balances,
And became the indebted ones.
٢٠. وأخْسَرْنا موازينا
فامْسينا مَدِينينا
21. We neglected Palestine,
Yet our misfortunes did not weep.
٢١. وضيَّعْنا فلسطينا
وما بكتْ مآقينا
22. It seems we have been
Ignoble since ancient times.
٢٢. كأنّ العهْرَ فينا منْ
ذُ ازمان يلاغينا
23. And when Allah sent
The prophets calling us,
٢٣. ولمّا ارسل اللهُ
النبيين مُلبِّينا
24. We refused, then we said,
This is not what we want.
٢٤. أبيْنا ثمّ قلْنا ه
ذه ليست امانينا
25. We fought and killed,
Yet we were not tilting.
٢٥. وقاتلْنا وقتَّلنا
فما كنّا مقلّينا
26. Nothing but killing
Our most beautiful meanings.
٢٦. وما كان سوى قتلٍ
لأجمل معانينا
27. Our lands were emptied,
And our remains were paved over.
٢٧. وأفرِغَتْ أراضيْنا
وعُبِّدَتْ بَواقينا
28. Our meadows flashed:
Accept our condolences.
٢٨. وأبرقت مواضينا:
تقبَّلوا تعازينا
29. The world was confused in us,
No medicine could cure us.
٢٩. وحارتْ الدنى فينا
فلا طبّ يُداوينا
30. Nothing could equal us
Except the ignorance that brought us low.
٣٠. ولا شيء يوازينا
سوى جهلٍ يُدانينا
31. God did not protect us,
Nor were we protected.
٣١. فلا أجارنا الله
ولا كنّا مُجارينا