
The people were given a choice between fire and sea


1. The people were given a choice between fire and sea
To be burned by it or drowned within

١. ما بين نارٍ وبحرٍ خُيِّرَ الشعبُ
إمّا احتراقًا بها أوغرقًا فيهِ

2. And death waited patiently to decide
Until an aged people lost in the wasteland

٢. والموتُ طالَ انتظارُهُ على الحدِّ
حتى يقررَ شعبٌ شاخ في التيهِ

3. Do not hasten anything, O people
The sea has a lifetime that matches it

٣. ألّا تُعجِّلَ أمرًا أيُّها الشعبُ
للبحرِ عمرٌ وعمرُها يُدانيهِ

4. For above the fire is water that will extinguish it
And beneath the sea is fire that will destroy it

٤. فالنارُ من فوقها ماءٌ سيُفنيها
والبحرُ من تحتهِ نارٌ ستفنيهِ

5. And perhaps they rushed to meet and injustice
When one struggles against the other nothing stops it

٥. وربَّما استعجلا اللقاء فالظّلمُ
إنْ خاصمَ بعضَه لا شيءَ يَثنيهِ

6. Maybe when they meet the embers will die out
And the sea will become smoke covering it

٦. عسى إذا التقيا أنْ ينطفي الجمرُ
ويصبحَ البحرُ دخّانا يُغطّيهِ

7. Jacob did not stir up the fire nor wreak havoc
In the sea, only so he could save himself from it

٧. ما أجّج النارَ يعقوبُ ولا عاث
بالبحرِ إلّا لأنّ ذاك يُنجيهِ