1. The causes of death in the world are many
And the sweetest among them in taste is agony
١. إِن المنية في الوَرى أَسبابُ
والعذب منها في المذاق عذابُ
2. If you ask how the martyr was, this
Is the description of the martyr, so praise the returnees
٢. إِن تسألوا كيف الشهيد فهذه
صفة الشهيد فأحمد الأَواب
3. He died a victim among his tribe at night
And those who killed him, they are the seekers of him
٣. أَمسى قتيلاً في ذؤابة قومه
والقاتلوه هم به الطلاب
4. They broke their swords intentionally and mistakenly
They abandoned righteousness and anything other than it they attained
٤. كسروا حسامهم خطا وتعمدا
تركوا الصواب وما سواه أَصابوا
5. Their hands were cut off intentionally or mistakenly
This is not right in retaliation
٥. أَيديهمُ قطعت بعمد أَو خطا
ما هكذا هو في القصاص صواب
6. O long how they did not answer him
The enemy answered, so how did they answer?
٦. يا طال ما هم قد أجابوه إِلى
جاب العدو فكيف فيه أَجابوا
7. What is decreed by the Shaper will happen
Whether eternal life goes away or remains
٧. إِن المقدر في المصور كائن
ما عنه إِن ذهب البقاء ذهاب
8. The doors of destiny never ward off
What is below destiny ever
٨. لا تدفع الأَبواب نازلة القضا
أَبداً فما دون القضاء الباب
9. And if the Creator is pleased with a human
The means come to him from Him by the hand of destiny
٩. وإِذا رضي الباري على بشر أَتت
منه له بيد القضا أَسباب
10. So death is one death but
Its causes, doors were opened for them
١٠. فالموت موت واحد لكنما
أَسبابه فتحت لها أَبواب
11. Some die an unexpected death
And some, their death is brought by doubt
١١. بعض يموت وحتف أَنف موته
والبعض جالب موته القرضاب
12. Love the death Ahmad died
For him are the angels and all people are loved ones
١٢. أَحبب بموتة أحمد قد ماتها
وله الملائك والورى أَحباب
13. Righteous deeds are his signs
And verses are his minarets and good deed his factions
١٣. والصالحات شعاره والآي فه
و مناره وصنيعه أحزاب
14. So for the mercy of the Merciful, your soul Ahmad
Rested, and indeed for you is the blissful place
١٤. فلرحمة الرحمن روحك أحمد
راحت وإِن لك النعيم مآب
15. When will this separation be, that we meet?
And upon you from the silent grave is vertical wood
١٥. هذا الفراق متى يكون بك اللقا
وعليك من صم الصلاد صلاب
16. You deserved your grave to be my oven
And my mortar, so may you be rewarded
١٦. كنت الجدير يكون قبرك مقلتي
وحشاشتي فعسى عليك أُثاب
17. All the countries and its people, O Ahmad
From where the soil covered you, it is soil
١٧. كل البلاد وأَهلها يا أحمد
من حيث أَوراك التراب تراب
18. Comforting visions from the Godhead visited you
And a cloud watered your bones in the grave
١٨. زارتك من ذات الاله لطائف
وسقى عظامك في الضريح سحاب
19. I have solace in my oven, my inner flames
Burn for you and I do not fear you
١٩. ولدي وقرة مقلتي كبدي بها
لهب عليك وما عليك أهاب
20. For you are in the fold of God and His refuge
And you do not have anything over you like a veil
٢٠. فلأنت في كلأ الاله ومنعه
وعليك من شيء تخاف حجاب
21. On Friday the blossoms and the sixteenth
Of Dhu al-Jumada al-Akhirah, the flooding
٢١. بالجمعة الزهرا وسادس عشرة
من ذي جمادى الآخر المنساب
22. From the year nine hundred preceded by
Counting the eighties, it is counting
٢٢. من عام تسع مئين يحدو خلفها
عد الثمانين الحساب حساب
23. If he has died a victim in the ground
For him hands remained desiring
٢٣. إِن كان قد أَمسى قتيلاً في الثَرى
فله أَياد قد بقين رغاب
24. Light emanating from his grave and his house
And garments wrapped around him
٢٤. نور أَضا بضريحه وبداره
وتلفعت منه له أَثواب
25. And glorious deeds that remained after his death
Like rain that leaves vegetation
٢٥. ومكارم بقيت خلاف مماته
كالغيث يبقى روضه المعشاب
26. Lowering regarding you, greetings, indeed eulogy
For you in it is praise that is pure and reward
٢٦. خفضا بشأنك سالم إِن العزا
لك فيه محمدة زكت وثواب
27. So be gentle with yourself, your soul is free
And the free ones are feared by the Godhead
٢٧. فارفق بنفسك إِن نفسك حرة
والحر من ذات الاله يهاب
28. Do not seek revenge from his family
How many seeking revenge were ruined by seeking
٢٨. لا تطلبن بثأره من آله
كم طالب أخنى عليه طلاب
29. For the slave was the adversary of Ahmad
And the murder is words and retaliation is the answer
٢٩. فالعبد كان هو الغريم لأحمد
والقتل قول والقصاص جواب
30. Do not take that, this - it
Is the rule of mistake and the action in it is confusion
٣٠. لا تأخذن بذاك هذا إنه
حكم الخطا والفعل فيه حاب
31. And Allah judges between them in a stand
The King of Kings where there will be insects
٣١. واللَه يحكم بينهم في موقف
ملك الملوك يكون فيه ذباب
32. And be patient - your patience is with God and His judgment
Indeed, the patient upon supplication is answered
٣٢. واصبر وصبرك بالاله وحكمه
إِن الصبور على الدعاء مجاب
33. How many tribulations occurred to a reasonable person like you
He extinguished its flames by prohibition, so it was extinguished
٣٣. كم فتنة نشأت لمثلك عاقل
أَطفا لظاها بالنهي فتجاب
34. I advised you while there is affection between us
In Allah - our affection is ancestry
٣٤. إِني نصحتك والمودة بيننا
في اللَه إِن ودادنا أَنساب