
For this we were created, and the new will be created

لهذا خلقنا والجديد سيخلق

1. For this we were created, and the new will be created
And hopes do not rise high, for death splits open

١. لهذا خلقنا والجديد سيخلق
وما ترتق الآمال فالموت يفتق

2. And the hands of fate have not left any group united
Nor have the hands of time left anything divided

٢. وما فرقت أيدي المنايا مجمع
وما جمعت أيدي البرايا مفرق

3. And here we are, our fathers dead and our offspring
And what we build and erect is demolished

٣. وها نحن كالآباء موتى ونسلنا
ومنهدم ما نحن نبني ونسمق

4. We hope for a long life in this world
And that is a dream that knocks on the sleeping quarters

٤. نؤمل في الدنيا حياة طويلة
وذلك حلم في المضاجع يطرق

5. So how many fell asleep happy with the first slumber
Only for the cup of death to be presented at the end of the night

٥. فكم بات مسروراً بأول رقدة
وكأس المنايا آخر الليل يغبق

6. Eyes fall asleep unaware that
Death is awake and restless

٦. تبيت عيون هاديات وما درت
بأن المنايا ساهرات تؤرق

7. The leader of the people dies a loud death
It's all the same whether a lion from the jungle or a strangled one

٧. يموت زعيم القوم موتة مدقع
وسيان فيه ليث غاب وخرنق

8. And multitudes of soldiers cannot prevent death
Nor can doors, walls and trenches protect him

٨. وما تمنع الموت الجيوش كثيفة
ولم يحمه باب وسور وخندق

9. And how odd that we obey ourselves
To face every type of adversity that makes one choke

٩. ويا عجباً منا نطاوع أنفساً
إِلى كل جلاب المكاره تزهق

10. The delight of our life in this world is marred by harm
Even if it was created out of wishes

١٠. فلذة دنيانا يكدرها الأذى
وإِن هي كانت بالمنى تتخلق

11. So blessed is the free man who is not deceived by it
And not pleased by it his whole life long

١١. فطوبى لحر غير منخدع بها
ولا راقه منها مدى العمر ريق

12. The daughter of Musa, may Allah have mercy on her
With His mercy she was created in the darkness of the grave

١٢. على بنت موسى رحمة اللَه إنها
برحمته في ظلمة القبر أخلق

13. She grew up and matured obeying the Most Merciful
And she used to obey Him before passing away

١٣. على طاعة الرحمن شابت وأيفعت
وكانت على طاعاته قبل تزهق

14. So for most of her life, out of piety towards Him
She thought seclusion was only for her, so she lived in isolation

١٤. فمن محض تقواها مدى طول عمرها
تظن اللظى إلا لها فهي تخلق

15. The bliss of this life is like the dreams of a sleeper
And the permanence of life is like a fading shadow

١٥. وإن نعيم الدهر أحلام نائم
وإِن دوام العمر ظل مروق

16. So she never stopped yearning for the dawn with praising
Until the brilliant face of dawn appeared

١٦. فما برحت تستحلب الصبح بالثنا
إلى أن بدا وجه من الصبح مشرق

17. And she would cross the barren terrain fasting
Spending whatever money she had for the sake of God

١٧. وتقطع حراء الهواجر صائماً
وما كان من مال فلله منفق

18. Caring for the poor Muslims, for she
Was kinder and more compassionate than her father

١٨. على ضعفاء المسلمين فإنها
من الوالد الساعي أبر وأشفق

19. It shows that the light shone in her heart
So she never stopped being like the shining sun for people

١٩. دليل بأن النور أشرق قلبها
فما برحت للخلق كالشمس تشرق

20. And the chaste woman does not speak nonsense openly or privately
Rather she speaks righteous words

٢٠. ولا تنطق العوراء غيباً ومشهدا
ولكنها بالصالح القول تنطق

21. The generous woman of a people who host guests without limits
And if she meets men, she turns away

٢١. كريمة قوم لا غراث ضيوفها
وإن قابلت عنها الرجال فأنفق

22. And when she was firmly warned of death
She never stopped giving charity, obeying God

٢٢. ومذ علمت للموت إنذار صادق
فما برحت في طاعة اللَه تصدق

23. And death did not take her suddenly
But she saw being prepared was better

٢٣. وما وافقت منها المنية غرة
ولكن رأت أن التأهب أرفق

24. She prepared provisions to meet death
That would suffice her when people around her perish

٢٤. أعدت لتلقاء المنية عدة
من الزاد يغنيها إذا القوم أملقوا

25. And she embarked upon the ship of death protected
So neither her actions were blameworthy nor her honor defiled

٢٥. وراحت بها ركب المنون مصونة
فلا الفعل مذموم ولا العرض هيق

26. And she arrived at a vast expanse, Allah having removed her constraints
And never is there scarcity for the successful one

٢٦. وحلت برمس أوسع اللَه ضيقه
وهيهات ما لحد الموفق ضيق

27. She traveled among the people of the graves as a neighbor
And they stood aside for her on both sides, surrounding her

٢٧. وسرت بها أهل المقابر جيرة
وقد كردسوا من جانبيها وأحدقوا

So the once demolished buildings became populated dwellings

٢٨. فأضحت قبوراً دارسات عمارة
بها وعمار بعدها فهو شيرق

29. And the dwellings after her will surely flourish
O daughter of Musaa, O sister of Moses the Converser

٢٩. أيا بنت موسى أخت موسى كليمه
تزالي شفيعاً ما اختفى منك منطق

30. May you remain an intercessor since your speech has not faded
The lanes and paths and lands wept for you

٣٠. بكتك السواري والعوادي والورى
فما محدق إلا به الدمع محدق

31. And every eyelid overflowed with tears
And if you were the origin of life, it has faded away

٣١. وإِن يك أصل العمر منك فقد ذوى
فحسناك منه الغصن ريان مورق

32. But your beauty made the branch fresh and leafy
So if you have become one of the dead, you are alive

٣٢. فإن صرت في الموتى فإنك حية
فذكرك باق والثنا فيك ألهق

33. For your memory remains and praise of you is most apt
No west or east remains without mention of you and your merits

٣٣. فلم يخل من ذكراك بالفضل مغرب
ولم يخل من شكر لفعلك مشرق

34. And no sunrise remains without thanks for your actions
The prayers of God be upon you after Muhammad

٣٤. عليك صلاة اللَه بعد محمد
ومحض الثنا منا كعرضك أبلق

35. And the purest praise from us that matches your chastity
Your husband of high moral standard will meet you in Paradise

٣٥. ويلقاك في الفردوس زوجك ذو النهى
غريب وتلك البنت للوصل أشيق

36. As a stranger, and your daughter will be most ardent for that reunion
You were God's hidden mysteries

٣٦. فإنكم لِلّه عيبة سره
وكلكم في الوصل لِلّه يسبق

37. And you will all precede others in meeting God
You encountered separation from the world while united in piety

٣٧. لقيتم من الدُنيا افتراقا مع التقى
فبشراكمو بين الفراديس تلتقوا

38. So glad tidings to you, you will reunite in Paradise
You are now relieved of sorrows, yet they have taken over us since you left

٣٨. برئتم من الأحزان وهي أريثة
لنا منكم والصبر بالحر أليق

39. And patience for the bereaved one is most befitting
You left behind successors that comfort our hearts

٣٩. لنا منكم نعم الخلائف خاطر
وإخوته فالفضل باق مدى بقوا

40. And his brothers whose merit remains as long as they live
You are like rain that leaves the meadow

٤٠. فأنتم كمثل الغيث أبقى بروضة
أزاهر نبت دونه المسك يسحق

41. With flowers in bloom, at their base is musk that pounds
Saplings in starlight, pillars in the darkness

٤١. مطاعيم في الشهبا أساطين في الدجى
مخابيب ما يقذى به الدين تيق

42. Sources of guidance for the preservation of faith
Our brothers in God, be patient with fate

٤٢. أإخوتنا في اللَه صبرا على القضا
فما طرقتهم من منون ستطرق

43. For the same death that afflicted them will afflict us
We and they are on a journey - they went ahead of us

٤٣. فنحن وهم سفر فراحوا أمامنا
ونحن على آثارهم سوف نلحق

44. And we will join them soon enough
And the Stand brings us together after the graves

٤٤. ويجمعنا بعد المقابر موقف
به سعدت قوم وقوم به شقوا

45. By which some became happy and others miserable
I advice you to be conscious of God and patient in tribulations

٤٥. عليكم بتقوى اللَه والصبر في البلا
عسى أنكم أجر المصائب ترزقوا

46. So that you may be rewarded for adversities
And how odd of me to send you condolences

٤٦. ويا عجباً مني لكم أبعث العزا
وإني لمنكم في الفقيدة أولق

47. When I was the first of you to suffer loss
If they could be ransomed from the occurrence of calamity

٤٧. ولو أنهم يفدون من حادث الردى
لكنت بنفسي في فدى الكل أسبق

48. I would have preceded all in paying the ransom
But death's approach is inescapable for all creatures

٤٨. ولكن نهج الموت للخلق جامع
وكل بأرهان المنية مغلق

49. And each one is bound by the pledge of mortality
We must strive to please God as we were inherently inclined

٤٩. علينا اجتهاد في رضى اللَه مثلما
فطرنا عليه والسعيد الموفق