
His passion declared his love to Layla

صب صبته إلى ليلى صبابته

1. His passion declared his love to Layla
And his young heart found her love sweet

١. صبٌّ صبته إلى ليلى صبابته
واستعذبت قلبه الصابي أصابته

2. If the departed returns crying for a loved one
Then the foliage in the dovecote has harmed it

٢. إنسان إن رجع الحادي بكي ولهاً
وفي صدوح الحمام الورق آفته

3. As if it rained on the garb of his birthplace
So his young heart accompanied her like an ayah

٣. حتى كأن وبلدت في ثوب مولده
فواكبت قلبه الصابي كآيته

4. The blessings of the valley of love before seeing her
And since he saw her, his troubles increased

٤. نعمى لوادي الحمى من قبل رؤيىه
ومذ رآه به زادت نعايته

5. They said "His ear fell in love" so I said to them
The constancy of love lasts as long as his hearing

٥. فقالوا هوى أذنه فقلت لهم
دوام ذي الحب ما دامت أذانته

6. And the passionate, if I'm ignorant of him
Then in his tear wherever it flows is his sign

٦. وذو الصبابة إن كنت الجهول به
في دمعه حيث تلحاه علامته

7. So every hidden heart that hides the secret of passion
Has a tear that divulges whatever his madness concealed

٧. فكل قلبٍ خفي سر الهوى فله
دمع يفتش ما سرت حشاشته

8. And my eye, for the torment of love tortures me
A flavor, and in my doctrine is the honor of its bitterness

٨. وعني فإن عذاب الحب يعذب لي
طعماً وفي مذهبي عز مهاتبه

9. Every lover is delinquent in his trysts
And in my view, that is the best of his evils

٩. مطال كل حبيب في مواعده
وفاً وعندي هي الحسنى إساءته

10. Oh if only my eye that gives life to my adornments
Would no longer have the rest of him as company

١٠. يا ليت طرفي الذي يحيي حلي غدت
ألا عليه فذى الباقي جنابه

11. The eye perceived nothing but became enamored
So the heart became its troop and love its banner

١١. ما استحس الطرف إلا صار معشق
فالقلب عسكره والحب لامته

12. For the passion in seeing Layla and beholding her
Has made me bear fruit and in the dunes her wine

١٢. إن الهوى في لقا ليلى ورؤيتها
قد أثملتنتا وفي البطحا مدامته

13. My reproacher, oh he who reproaches my Layla, leave reproaching her
For in her is sweet and bitter passion

١٣. أعاذلي ي هو ليلاي دع عذلي
عنها ففيها الهوى حلو مرارته

14. Alas! I do not belong to the prohibiter with an ear
For fervor and love, their end cannot be attained

١٤. هيهات ما لست للناهي بذي أذن
فالشوق والحب لم تدرك نهايته

15. Oh heart, if the summit of glory is its goal
Then love the Prophet from whom we hope his intercession

١٥. يا قلب إن أثيل المجد غايته
حب النبي الذي نرجى شفاعته

16. Muhammad Al-Mustafa the sent from Mudar
Whose obedience in both worlds is his obedience

١٦. محمد المصطفى المبعوث من مضر
من طاعة اللَه في الكونيني طاعته

17. Whoever seeks comfort in the two abodes
Will find the staff in it his comfort

١٧. من كان يطلب في الدارين راحته
يلقى العصى به في ذاك راحته

18. This Prophet whose merits have been enumerated
And whose perfect generosity has filled the horizons

١٨. هذا النبي الذي نصت فضائله
وعمت الخق بالجدوى سماحته

19. The Nile, the Mediterranean, and the Euphrates
Are too ashamed, as are their currents' tranquility

١٩. تخجل النيل أو بحر البحيرة أو
بحر الفرات وغادي المزن راحته

20. The seal of messengers, and he is the foremost of them
In virtue without attaining the summit of his glory

٢٠. وخاتم الرسل وهو الصدر أولها
في الفضل ما أدركت في المجد غايته

21. The Torah of Moses bears witness to his preference
As do the Bible of Jesus and his traits

٢١. توراة موسى على التفضيل شاهدة
له وإنجيل عيسى وهو ناعته

22. In the stories of Og, eagle, whale or goat
Whose evidence has been categorically established

٢٢. وفي يغوث ونسر أو يعوق وقد
تقطعت قطعاً قامت دلالته

23. By the wolf's attack due to his awe,
And the snake of the valley dreading his prestige

٢٣. وبصبص الأسد الضاري لهيبته
وأفكلت حية الوادي مهابته

24. And by some of his famous miracles, when
His wet nurse came to suckle him alive

٢٤. وبعض برهانه المشهور حيث أتت
به لترضعه في الحي دايته

25. And the withered palms flowed with water since
They suckled him, flowing with clear water

٢٥. وكان قد أيبس الجدب السطور ومذ
هم أرضعوه جرى بالرسل مايته

26. Khosrow's palace collapsed on the day of his birth
And Persia's fire was extinguished by his birth

٢٦. وانهد إيوان كسرى يوم مولده
ونار فارس أطفتها ولادته

27. As did the well of Saweh, what a miracle!
And for him the moon split and the well filled up

٢٧. وبير ساوة كانت أي معجزة
والبدر شق له والكم هالته

28. And the day the groups were thirsty and sought
Death, the fresh water flowed comfortably

٢٨. ويوم ما عطش الأقوام وابتدرت
للموت سالت بعذب الماء راحته

29. The camel came, giving it life and speech
The oryx of Al-Arar healed by his safety

٢٩. جاء البعير فحياه وكلمه
ظبي العرار شفاهاً لا يخافته

30. It shaded him while the summer sun wandered
Scorching faces with no clouds in its atmosphere

٣٠. وظللته وشمس الصيف سافرة
تشوي الوجوه ولا غيم غمامته

31. And the second of two in the blessed cave, while
The enemy roamed around but did not unsettle his ostrich

٣١. وثاني اثنين في الغار المنيف وقد
طاف العدو فما شالت نعامته

32. And the horsemen where the horses are restrained
And the unseen absent is discovered by his insight

٣٢. وفارس الخيل حيث الخيل محجمة
وتكشف الغائب الخافي فراسته

33. How often the eloquent were rendered speechless
By the effective articulateness of his speech on the day of Juzel

٣٣. وكم وكم أبلست في يوم ذي جذل
أهل الفصاحة نهش فصاحته

34. Glorifying the One who honored him with a night journey
To a station in which lies his bliss

٣٤. سبانه جل من أسرى به شرفا
ليلاً إلى موقف فيه سعادته

35. He took him up steps not reached before him by messengers
Thus his ascension contained magnificent glory

٣٥. أرقاه في درج لم تلقها رسل
من قبله فحوت مجداً رقايته

36. So he won the highest honor after certainty permeated
And delivered its message to every living soul

٣٦. ففاز بالشرف الأعلى وقد محضت
وأبلغت كل ذي روحٍ رسالته

37. Oh night whose early part he devoted to God
As close as two bow lengths or nearer in his sermon

٣٧. يا ليلة باتها للَه مقترباً
كقاب قوسين أو أدنى شفاهته

38. With the angels glorifying, surrounding him
And the light filled both horizons with its splendor

٣٨. وللملائك تسبيح تحف به
والنور قد ملأ القطرين باهته

39. How many wonders of the unseen did he see therein
And how much did its disappearance benefit him

٣٩. وكم رأى من عجيبات الغيوب بها
وكم أفادته من فضل غيابته

40. Dawn did not hurry the night with him
Nor was the rooster's crow heard therein

٤٠. وآب والليل ما عاج الصباح به
والديك ما سمعت منه صداحته

41. It was proven that God supported him
With the sword he subjugated his haters by surprise

٤١. وقد تحقق أن اللَه ناصره
بالسيف أرغم شانيه وباغته

42. So the meteors of Islam appeared rising
Raised on the banner of glory its emblem

٤٢. فأصبحت شهب الإسلام طالعةً
مرفوعةً في لواء المجد رايته

43. While polytheism was erased, transformed
From its state by Islam's striking blades

٤٣. والكفر أصبح ممحوّاص مقلبة
عن حالها لألي الإسلام باحته

44. And both mankind comprehensively attained its law
As its guidance saved them from vain desires

٤٤. وبلغ الثقلين الكل شرعته
وأنقذتهم من الأهوا هدايته

45. So woe to every misguided one in his misguidance
And destruction upon whoever falls short of its safety

٤٥. فويل كل غوي في غوايته
وويح من كان عن غي سلامته

46. He only died after stallions of the faith guarded
him from the piercing tips of stalwart steeds

٤٦. ما مات إلا وفحل الدين قد حرست
عنه شقاشق أفحال تصالته

47. May God send His most immaculate greetings unto him as long as
A spirit breathes and returns to the breast of its fervor

٤٧. صلى الإله عليه ما جرى نفس
وأنفثته إلى صدر محارته

48. And to all the prophets, followers,
Progeny, and companions under its rule

٤٨. وجملة الأنبياء والتابعين له
والآل والصحب من عمت ولايته

49. And my love for you oh Messenger of God lasts
To where you are, the pinnacle of glorious praise

٤٩. وهواك مني رسول اللَه محمدة
بحيث أنت لفضل الحمد غايته

50. Safeguarded, without flaw or defect
And a thing is only lauded for its passion

٥٠. مصونة ما بها عيب ولا ثلب
والشيء لم بوقه إلا صبابته

51. With it he hastens to you after a caring father
Without failing to attain the praise of bliss

٥١. يسعى بها لك من بعد أبٍ شفيق
لا خيبت نيل ممدوح سعادته

52. The most fragrant greetings from the Creator unto you, and
The best of fortune has covered your resting place

٥٢. أزكى السلام من الباري عليك وقد
عمت ضجيعيك بالحسنى سعادته

53. Al-Nasir and the sword of injustice sharpened
Until stability set in upon Islam and its nation

٥٣. الناصريك وسيف الجور منصلت
حتى استقرت على الإسلام لامته

54. Since you lived it was a guiding sword for the faith
And you were mighty against enemies in God

٥٤. مذ كنت حيّاً هما للدين سيف هدى
وأنت في اللَه في الأعداء صالته

55. And since you died they took your place
Until they raised the banner of religion

٥٥. ومذ توفيت قاماً في مقامك حت
تى أنها رفعت للدين رايته