1. Consolation, yet no soul against death was consoled
Nor exceeded the appointed time that was allotted
١. عزاء فما نفس على المَوت عزت
ولا جاوزت عن حد وقت مؤقت
2. We go and come like beasts grazing
And we did not know when the time of death has arrived
٢. نروح ونغدو كالبهائم رتعا
ولم ندر ما وقت المنايا ألمت
3. Preoccupied in the garden of wishes but did not realize
The armies of death with affliction were hidden
٣. هوامل في روض الأَماني وما درت
جيوش المنايا بالرز أخفت
4. The sound of funerals frightens us since it started
With whom it carried towards shrouds thus covered
٤. يروعنا صوت الجنائز مذ بدت
بمن حملت نحو الكفات فأكفت
5. And the world preoccupies us with its empty decorations
And we did not learn from it when it seduced
٥. وتشغلنا الدنيا بزخرف غيها
ولم نعتبر منها بمن هي أَغوت
6. Calamities that have afflicted people before us
And it is no wonder when it afflicts us in our time
٦. مصائب قد أَمت بقوم أَمامنا
ولا غرو عن حين بنا فهي أَمت
7. The pleasures of our world resemble bitterness
And its secrets, oh how often they have harmed
٧. لذاذة دنيانا تشاب بغصة
وسراؤها يا طالما هي ضرت
8. So it did not grant except it took away and never
Did it smile at us except it ended up making us cry
٨. فما وهبت إلا وقد سلبت ولا
لنا ضحكت إِلا استحالت فأبكت
9. The life of a young man in it is like a polished sword
If he dies he ends up in the soil without being polished
٩. حياة الفتى فيها لكالسيف مصلتا
فإن مات أَمسى في الثرى غير مصلت
10. And like a branch watered by the water of his life
If he dies he becomes wiped out, yes wiped out
١٠. وكالغصن ريان بماء حياته
فإن مات أضحى مسحتاً أَي مسحت
11. And the consoler and the one consoled
Walk the path to resurrection in silence
١١. وإِن المعزي ومن به
يعزي لفي نهج إِلى الحشر مصمت
12. And not like the condolences between us as it is a tradition
A dead person consoles another dead, thus a dead one
١٢. ولا كالتعازي بيننا فهي سنة
فميت يعزي ميتاً فقد ميت
13. Condolences and patience for your father Muhammed
So stand up in the stance he stood in it and was steadfast
١٣. عزاء وصبراً في أَبيك محمد
فقم في مقام قام فيه وثبت
14. For the righteous father carries his progeny
The great glories of glory from him became valorous and eminent
١٤. فإِن الأَب الزاكي يحمل نسله
عظائم مجد منه عزت وخلت
15. Your good father was not fazed by the times
Whenever ignorance and blindness befell the land
١٥. فما لأبيك الخير شكل بدهره
متى في الورى دهياء عمياء حلت
16. God folded the earth for him as a fulfillment of his promise
That it will be folded for the likes of him to be tossed
١٦. طوى اللَه منه الأَرض طياً لوعده
بأمثاله تطوى إِلى قذف طيت
17. For after his death, the needs were protected
And were through him except for him thus protected
١٧. فقد حمت الحاجات من بعد موته
وكانت به إِلا له فهي حمت
18. So whoever was pleased with the dispersion of his knowledge and its burial
This indicates the evidence of the confused dispersal
١٨. فمن سره تشتيت علم ودفنه
فهذا دليل في الملم المشتت
19. Every cloud that rose watered the grave of Abdullah
And another cloud watered when it rose
١٩. سقت قبر عبدالله كل سحابة
نشت وسقت أخرى إِذا ما تنتشت
20. If it quenched a grave of his, it quenched with it
Graves of his neighbors, then it ascended
٢٠. إِذا أنهلت قبراً له أَنهلت به
قبوراً لجيران له ثم علت
21. And if Jumah the son of Ahmed lives among us
Then Islam did not lose despite the dead
٢١. وإِن عاش فينا جمعة إبن أحمد
فما فقد الاسلام رغماً بميت
22. He is the scholar jurist in the religion of Muhammed
Rare knowledge that dazzled all the dazzled
٢٢. هو العالم المفتي بدين محمد
نوادر علم أَبهتت كل مبهت
23. Prayers from the Merciful specifically for Muhammed
And towards his family and followers thus encompassed
٢٣. صلاة من الرحمن خصت محمدا
وفي آله والتابعين فعمت