1. I saw time and its companions
Revolving in this life and its rotations
١. رأيت الزمان وإخوانه
يدورون في الحال دورانه
2. Whenever a young man feels down and confined
They become not what once were his supporters
٢. إذا ما أسى وأسر الفتى
يكونون ما كان أعوانه
3. And no matter how faithful and honest they vowed
His companions betrayed him when he needed them
٣. ومهما وفي عهد حر وفوا
وخوانه عند ما خانه
4. If you seek a loyal friend in time of need
Time denies you ever finding one
٤. إذا ما طلبت الصديق الصدو
ق أعدمك الدهر وجدانه
5. Whoever mingles with people in their affairs
Sees in them all that is their nature
٥. ومن خالط الناس في شأنهم
رأى منهم كل ما شانه
6. And he who is aloof, neither kind nor good to them
Sees in the end what faults him
٦. ومن عز أو بر عنهم علا
رأى في العواقب ما زانه
7. He who does not weigh his words with his mind
Is deemed light in weight among people
٧. ومن لم يزن عقله نطقه
أخف لدى الناس ميزانه
8. A young man's tongue reveals his true self
So watch his tongue to know his ways
٨. لسان الفتى عنه عنوانه
فكن راصداً عنه عنوانه
9. The speech of each person displays
What we have found their qualities to be
٩. فمنطق كل امرئٍ مظهر
على ما رأيناه ألبانه
10. And look not at the person, but look when
You want the truth at his peers
١٠. ولا تنظر المرء وانظر إذا
أردت الحقيقة أقرانه
11. And if you befriend a man
Turn a blind eye to his coarseness
١١. وصاحب إذا ما صحبت امرأً
يغض عن القذع أجفانه
12. For none shall protect your honor
Except one who protects his own honor
١٢. فما صان عرضك إلا فتى
إذا سيم في عرضه صانه
13. When a man knows not his true worth
People will undervalue his price
١٣. إذا جهل المرء مقداره
تجاهلت القوم أثمانه
14. And confusion may show in one wearing
The cloak of perfection his flaws
١٤. وقد يظهر التيه بالمرتدي
رداء التكامل نقصانه
15. While the roots of a firmly rooted young man
Reveal in his taste its branches
١٥. وأصل عروق الفتى الرسخا
تٍ تظهر في الذوق أغصانه
16. No good is he who sees his honor
As worldly and washes away values
١٦. ولا خير فيمن يرى عرضه
دنياً ويغسل أردانه
17. Oh, wretched is he who is not of dignity
And has not purified his faith for God
١٧. ويا بئس من لم يكن ذا نهى
ولم يمحض اللَه إيمانه