1. Leave the sorrowful one to his own sorrow
His heart has melted in his regrets
١. خل الكئيب بدائه في ذاته
ففؤاده قد ذاب في حسراته
2. And leave him to sink in the deeps of his tears
And sighs to rise up from his lamentations
٢. واتركه يرسب في عباب دموعه
ويصعد الأنفاس من زفراته
3. Have mercy on him, have mercy if his affliction overwhelms you
For enduring pain is the purpose of his existence
٣. وارحمه ترحم إن بليت بدائه
فالصب آخره مراد عداته
4. You are not to blame, neither the sorrowful one, nor his affliction
For all are driven by their own intentions
٤. ما أنت والصب الكئيب وما ابتلي
فالكل محمولٌ على نياته
5. Do not excessively reproach him
For reproach makes him more distraught
٥. إياك تكثر من دواعي عذله
فالعذل يغريه على لوعاته
6. Every questioner has an answer, and passion
Has cast him into the abyss of his love
٦. فلكل سائلةٍ قرار والهوى
أجلاه ما أوقعت في هواته
7. If you were to taste a sip of his love
You would excuse him and accept his desire
٧. لو كنت تلعق لعقة من حبه
لعذرته ودخلت في مرضاته
8. The disobedient is not devoid of fidelity, but rather
Disobedience in this and obedience in that are among his qualities
٨. ليس الخلي من الشجي ولأنما
عصيان هذا ذاك من طاعاته
9. O you whose heart was always held captive
Basking in pleasure, captivity being its delight
٩. يا من لقلب لم يزل في أسره
متنعماً والأسر من لذاته
10. The sweetest passion assails him wandering
And its cure, in love, is his tranquility
١٠. أحلى الهوى ما راح فيه مفنداً
وشفاؤه في الحب من راحاته
11. Who would blame the enamored if he weeps
Pining for his darling's past companionship?
١١. من ذا يلوم المستهام إذا بكى
إثر الخليط منوهاً بجداته
12. His life with them is like his articulated wishes
And his death with their union like his life
١٢. فحياته في صرمهم كمماته
ومماته في وصلهم كحياته
13. By my soul, the friend I bade farewell
My tears and his tears streamed down his cheeks
١٣. وبنفسي الرشأ الذي ودعته
دمعي وأدمعه على وجناته
14. Changing at the farewell, my ardor for him
Almost burst forth from my sobbing
١٤. متغيراً عند الوداع فمهجتي
كادت به تنسل من عبراته
15. The passion consumed me as fuel, and desiccated me with it
Leaving me roasted on its embers
١٥. أكل الهوى غضّا وأيبسني به
فبقيت مقليّاً على جمراته
16. Speak to me gently, prepare for us
A conversation adorned with its instruments
١٦. أمحدثي بنقا العقيق أعد لنا
فيه الحديث موشحاً بدواته
17. Are his gazelles still "hinn hinn" as we knew them?
For our hearts are captives of their tender gazelles
١٧. ظبياته هل هن هن كعهدنا
فقلوبنا أسرى هوى ظبياته
18. And how excellent were the breezes of a beloved land
That wafted its perfume early in the morning
١٨. ولحبذا نسمات فيح من قبا
بكرت فعطرنا شذى نفحاته
19. My love transcended a gazelle's love for her fawn
And I loved her for the sake of Mohammed and his grace
١٩. حبي أجاز ظبيةً من حبها
وأحبها لمحمد وصلاته
20. She is a gazelle purified by his blessed life
Noble, and distinguished by his excellent death
٢٠. هي ظبيةٌ طابت بطيب حياته
شرفاً وقد نافت بفضل مماته
21. The Chosen One, the Guiding Prophet, greater than one
Who stepped on pebbles walking upon his services
٢١. المصطفى الهادي النبي أجل من
وطئ الحصى يمشي على خدماته
22. The Seal of Prophets and the Noble Messengers, and foremost
In merit, preceding them in his fine traits
٢٢. الخاتم الرسل الكرام وأول
في الفضل سابقها بحسن ولاته
23. In the books of Seth were described his attributes
And in the books of Idris the brilliance of his features
٢٣. في كتب شيت قد وصفن خلاله
وبكتب إدريس سناء سماته
24. And in the scriptures of Abraham the greatness of his worth
And the Psalms of David in his recitations
٢٤. وبصحف إبراهيم عظم قدره
وزبر داود لدى تلواته
25. And by his grace the Bible came distinctly
And Moses called him the Immaculate in the Torah
٢٥. وبفضله الإنجيل جاء مصرحاً
ودعاه موسى الطهر في توراته
26. Likewise the Criterion manifested his merit
In everything explicitly stated in its verses
٢٦. وكذلك الفرقان أظهر فضله
في كل ما قد نص من آياته
27. Jesus named him and called him "Taahaa"
While the Sublime called him from his chambers
٢٧. يس سماه وطه إسمه
وقلى الذي الذي ناداه من حجراته
28. And he was gentle with him before rebuke
And showed him what was hidden in the hearts of his enemies
٢٨. وبدا له بالعفو قبل عتابه
وأراه ما تخفي قلوب عداته
29. And God warned him when the arrogant of Mecca
Gathered in their attacks against him
٢٩. واللَه أنذره بحيث تجمعت
سفهاء مكة تسع في هجماته
30. Among them were my father and al-Mugheera, then Abu
Jahl and Iblees, brothers of damnation
٣٠. منهم أبي والمغيرة ثم بو
جهل وإبليس أخو لعناته
31. Some suggested killing him, imprisoning him
One suggested exile, another isolation
٣١. منهم أشار بقتله وبحبسه
بعض أشار وبعضهم بشتاته
32. The Trustworthy descended from the heavens in ascension
To Mohammed with the entirety of his hatred's provisions
٣٢. نزل الأمين من السماء معرجاً
لمحمد بجميع رأي شناته
33. The Trustworthy said to him: Set out for Yathrib
So leave by night and travel quickly through its plains
٣٣. قال الأمين له عليك بطيبةٍ
فانهض بليلك واسر في وفراته
34. And head for the Helpers, they are your partisan tribe
Who will suffice you against Abu Talib and his defenses
٣٤. واقصد إلى الأنصار هم لك عصبةٌ
تغنيك عن بو طالب وحماته
35. And you will enter Mecca despite the nose
Of al-Mugheera and the peak of its mountains
٣٥. ولسوف تدخل مكة رغماً على
أنف المغيرة أو ذرى سرواته
36. So he traveled, with Abu Bakr second to him, to
The Cave of Thawr where they entered its crevices
٣٦. فسرى وثانيه أبو بكر إلى ال
غار المنيف فأولجا بلجاته
37. And Abu Bakr tore his garment in fear
For the life of the Chosen one at his fingertips
٣٧. ومضى أبو بكر يشقق ثوبه
خوفاً على المختار من حياته
38. And the sons of Nadr set up their homes at its entrance
With spiders nesting high up on its doorframe
٣٨. وبنى الخدرنق بيته في بابه
والورق عشش في سما عتباته
39. Until the enemy despaired of kind Yathrib
Heading purposefully to fulfill their intentions
٣٩. حتى إذا يئس العدو لطيبة
قصد اقتضاء محقق نياته
40. The clans of Aus met him, then the Khazraj, the summit
Of the generous, guarding his banners
٤٠. فلقيته آل الأوس ثم الخزرج الش
شم الكرام وهم حمى راياته
41. How many times did they renew allegiance to him through it
Before the revelation, when he met them during his retreats?
٤١. كم بيعةٍ قد جددت لهم به
قبل النزول لهم لدى عقباته
42. And through them the Almighty opened Mecca
In the name of the Prophet, following his blessings
٤٢. وبهم لقد فتح المهيمن مكة
باسم النبي مضوا على بركاته
43. Glory to Him who traveled by night with him to
The Farthest Mosque, climbing up its degrees
٤٣. سبحان من أسرى به ليلاً إلى
أقصى المساجد راقياً درجاته
44. And the angels of the Merciful traveled around him
With light illuminating the horizon on all sides
٤٤. وملائك الرحمن سارت حوله
والنور أضوى الأفق من جنباته
45. O night of ascension, happiest night
When the Prophet attained his goals through it
٤٥. يا ليلة المعراج أسعد ليلة
درك النبي بها منى غاياته
46. And he returned victorious, the sword blackened
Fulfilling his purpose, granting demands
٤٦. وارتد والديجور أسود ظافراً
بمراده معطى قضى حاجاته
47. So he drew the sword of guidance from its sheath
And spilled the blood of the aggressor with its blades
٤٧. فاستل قرضاب الهدى من غمده
وأراق دم المعتدي بظباته
48. Until polytheism lay shattered and demolished
Alas! No longer any strength left in its joints
٤٨. حتى غدا الشرك المشقشق جله
واهٍ ولم يخطر على هلباته
49. And Yaghooth, its eagle, and Ya'ooq were left
Smashed to pieces by the teeth of his spearhead
٤٩. وغدا يغوث ونسره ويعوقه
متحطماتٍ من سنان قنانه
50. Among the miracles of the Chosen one, some were from
His proof, features, and attributes
٥٠. من معجزات المصطفى والبعض من
برهانه وسماته وصفاته
51. The palace fires of Persia subsided at his birth
And the temples collapsed from their towers
٥١. خمدت بمولده مقابس فارسٍ
وتهدم الإيوان من شرفاته
52. And his wet nurses' evidence suffices -
His wives' and grandmothers' suckling of the infant
٥٢. وكفى بمن قد أرضعته أدلةٌ
من مرضعات نسائه وشياته
53. For Haleema had suckled him beforehand
Her breast was barren before its pressing
٥٣. فحليمة من قبل ترضعه فقد
كانت غروز الثدي عن حلماته
54. The milk flowed such that he suckled her breast
Pure, abundant, and delicious in his gulps
٥٤. فجرى الحليب بحيث مص ثديها
عذباً فراتاً سائغاً بلهاته
55. The provisions of Haleema's family multiplied
Eastwards through him, by his blessings
٥٥. وتكاثرت أرزاق آل حليمةٍ
شرقاً به والفضل من مناته
56. And when he reached virility, fully grown
The Trustworthy descended to him in his solitude
٥٦. وبحيث أصبح يافعاً مترعرعاً
نزل الأمين عليه في خلواته
57. And showed him a sign from His Lord
And showed him what his times would entail
٥٧. وأراه آية ربه من ربه
وأراه كيف يكون في أوقاته
58. It suffices him as an honor that the Chosen One
Gabriel serves him obediently
٥٨. فكفى به شرفاً بأن المرتضى
جبريل خادمه وفي طاعاته
59. And for him the moon split with his gesture, and the gazelle
Suckled him, and the camel acknowledged him as its master
٥٩. والبدر شق بكمه والظبي كل
لمه وحياه البعير بذاته
60. And a cloud shaded him after the mirage
Danced deceptively across the surfaces of his abode
٦٠. وغمامةٍ قد ظللته بعد ما
رقص السراب على مطار بواته
61. And the people, when destruction came to them from thirst
In a waterless desert across its expanse
٦١. والقوم مذ ورد الهلاك من الظما
في صحصحٍ قد عام في هفواته
62. He made water flow with the strike of his palm
From it they drank, and all their vessels were sated
٦٢. أجرى لهم ماء براحةٍ كفه
منه ارتوى وروت جميع سقاته
63. And he invoked against the companions of the elephant until
Its pillars collapsed from some of his invocations
٦٣. ودعا على غمدان حتى هدمت
أركانه بالبعض من دعواته
64. And among the obscurities of his knowledge
He asked an old man about his verses
٦٤. ومن الأدلة في غوامض علمه
سأل المسن الشيخ عن أبياته
65. The old man's ears had never heard
His secret compositions and hidden arts
٦٥. والشيخ لم تسمع بنظم أذنه
من سره في نفسه وخفاته
66. Regretfully, his grandson did not grant him
His due rights, of his self or expenditures
٦٦. أسفاً بحيث سليله لم يعطه
من نفسه حقاً ومن نفقاته
67. The Prophet even said to his son:
"Stand, for your father's provisions are scarce"
٦٧. حتى لقد قال النبي لإبنه
قم أنت مال أبيك من أقواته
68. And how many a sign I have not enumerated
Beyond counting, more than its sands can be counted
٦٨. ولكم وكم من آيةٍ لم أحصها
عدّاً ويحصى الرمل دون رواته
69. But how could I praise him, when God has already
Praised him with merit in His verses?
٦٩. ولكيف لي فيه الثنا واللَه قد
أثنى له بالفضل في آياته
70. There is no chapter but that his mention is great in it
Thus his remembrance spread in its passages
٧٠. لا سورة إلا وعظم ذكره
فيها فشاع الذكر في سوراته
71. But I am pleading through my eulogies
Hoping for his intercession and excellent prayers
٧١. لكنني متوسل بمدائحي
راج شفاعته وحسن صلاته
72. And when the sinner panics and seeks refuge in the benefactor
Hope informs him of the excellence of his salvation
٧٢. وإذا المسيء جنى ولاذ بمحسن
فالظن يخبره بحسن نجاته
73. Fair hope led me, and my expectation led me
I hope for his abundant gifts
٧٣. قد قادني حسن الرجاء وقادني
أملي أرجي منه جم هباته
74. And I stood at his door, and I descended
From the ascent of his sanctuary, and lodged among his chastities
٧٤. ولقد وقفت ببابه ونزلت من
زل رفده وحللت بين عفاته
75. And my hope is that I will not be deprived at the hand
Of the Holder of the two abodes, the day I arrive at his courtyard
٧٥. ورجاي أني لا أخيب من يدي الد
دارين يوم نزل في ساحاته
76. My Master, O Master of all the lands
Be kind to a servant who did evil in his penitence
٧٦. مولاي يا مولى البرية كلها
لطفاً بعبدٍ ساء في توباته
77. And for long strayed in his passions
Basking in them, in his doubts
٧٧. ولطال ما قد ضل في شهواته
متنعماً فيها على شبهاته
78. I cast aside disobedience this morning, hoping
To be saved, and raised from my lapses
٧٨. ألقى العصي بك الغداة وراجياً
ينجو وترفعه لمن هفواته
79. May Allah bless him from the Enshrouded One
And upon your two companions, abundantly
٧٩. صلى عليه اللَه من مدثر
وعلى ضجيعيك جزيل صلاته
80. And all your family, and the companions whenever
One praised his Creator at the Mount of Mercy
٨٠. وجميع آلك والصحابة ما ثنى
مثن لخالقه على عرفاته