1. O seeker asking for explanation of the question,
I have summarized it for you in five requisites
١. وَيا طالباً شرح السؤال فآنه
على خَمسة قرَّبته لك مطلبا
2. A question about consensus at all times
Is incumbent upon the forbearing, wise, well-mannered one
٢. سؤال على الاجماع في كل ساعة
عَلى البالغ الحلم المهذب أَوجبا
3. And that is regarding what his ignorance does not excuse
In it be sincere and righteous in your path
٣. وذلك فيما لا يوسّع جهله
فكن فيه بالاخلاص والبر مذربا
4. And no difference of opinion in forbidden question
Your asking about the nakedness of one who is absent
٤. وغير اختلاف في سؤال محرّم
سؤالك عن عورات من قد تغيبا
5. And whatever disagreement and obligation it contains
Your asking about news of one who is virtuous to you
٥. ومهما اعتراه الاختلاف وواجباً
سؤالك عن أحداث من لك مجتبا
6. A loyal one who has done a deed that is new
To him and your heart is inclined towards him
٦. ولياً أَتى فعلاً به كان حادثاً
عليه ولكُ القلب منه توربا
7. Also, a question they disliked as it is
Your asking about what is not pertinent and sought after
٧. وأَيضاً سؤال كرهوه وانه
سؤالك عما ليس يعني ويجتبى
8. As for a question in which there is virtue
Your asking about knowledge which you have been enjoined to
٨. وأَما سؤال فهو فيه فضيلة
سؤالك عن علم له صرت مندبا