
The greatest agony is spilled tears,

الرزء أعظم أن تراق دموع

1. The greatest agony is spilled tears,
Or sighs that rend ribs,

١. الرزء أعظم أن تراق دموع
أو أن تقد من الزفير ضلوع

2. And sorrow that rends garments,
And cheeks scratched by palms.

٢. والحزن أبرح أن تشقق حلة
ويخد خد بالأكف شموع

3. This is the tremendous misfortune, for if
It were but a nightmare, it would be atrocious.

٣. هذا هو الخطب الجليل لأنه
لو كان حلماً نافداً لفظيع

4. It is a calamity that has befallen all people, so no
Individual or group is exempt.

٤. وهو المصيبة في الورى عمت فلا
أد يخص به ولا يربوع

5. A loss that struck like a lion stalking its prey
Among the learned of both worlds, vicious.

٥. ذي ثلمة وقعت كأسد آدها
في العلم بين العالمين وقيع

6. The heavens nearly folded over it,
The earth quaked, and mountains flowed.

٦. كادت بها تطوى السموات العلا
والأَرض ترجف والجبال تميع

7. It ripped open the hearts of the people of earth,
And the hearts of the angels of heaven had fissures.

٧. بقلوب أهل الأَرض منها مثلة
وبقلب أملاك السماء صدوع

8. He who concealed sciences, thus
Were sciences buried, and in this was his funeral.

٨. من سره دفن العلوم فهكذا
دفن العلوم وهكذا التشييع

9. Or he who bid farewell to guidance
And honors, and thus was his farewell.

٩. أو سره للبين توديع النهى
والمكرمات فهكذا التوديع

10. The honored is not made honorable by fate,
Nor the protected made immune by hands.

١٠. ليس العزيز على الردى بمعزز
بيد الزؤام ولا المنيع منيع

11. Fate seized the noble one from his eminence,
And his tomb meets examples of lowliness.

١١. حظ الشريف من الردى وضريحه
يلقى المثال من المحل وضيع

12. Fate snatched the brilliant stars from the summits of glory,
And took them to the chamber of darkness.

١٢. قبض الردى الأوعال من قلل الحمى
ومضى به في حجرة اليربوع

13. O you who desire this life, do
You not have enough of its great sorrows?

١٣. يا راغباً في هذه الدُنيا أما
لك من مصائبها العضال مريع

14. You are heedless and playing, while fate is inescapable.
You hope for respite from it, yet it is quick.

١٤. تسهو وتلهو والردى لك لازم
ترجو الاناءة منه وهو سريع

15. That which it swept away and gathered,
And the Collector is most severe to you in your gathering.

١٥. ألهاك ما جرفته وجمعته
والجامع الأسوا لك المجموع

16. You mended the world, and one who is worn out by it -
It is an old serpent, and he is smooth.

١٦. رقعت بالدنيا ومن يبلى بها
هي حية رقشاء وهو لسيع

17. Woe to one worn out by the world.
Religion is desecrated, desecration of the mended.

١٧. تباً لذي الدنيا ومن يبلى بها
فالدين هتك هتك المرقوع

18. Its pure bliss is made bitter by fate.
Bliss with death is polluted.

١٨. ونعيمها الصافي يكدره الردى
إن النعيم مع المنون ضريع

19. No anguish like death, except what comes after it -
The poison of life and putrid survival.

١٩. لا غصة كالموت إلا بعده
سم الحياة والبقاء نقيع

20. So prepare for your resting place with piety, every person -
What his hands have gained, that is his mattress.

٢٠. فامهد لمضجعك التقى كل امرئ
ما قمشته يداه فهو ضجيع

21. Know that you will die, O dead one,
And know that you are destined for tribulation.

٢١. واعلم بأنك ميت يا ميتا
واعلم بأنك للبلا مدفوع

22. Death did not hurt the God-fearing when it struck them,
But missing the God-fearing is painful.

٢٢. والموت لم يوجع منيباً وقعه
لكن فقدان المنيب وجيع

23. I saw the free man has no permanence,
But his elevated remembrance remains.

٢٣. ولقد رأيت الحر ليس له بقا
لكن يبقى ذكره المرفوع

24. Alas for the loss of one who treated me
With care, sighing, and burning passion.

٢٤. آها على فقد الذي قد برني
فيه ضنى وتأوه وولوع

25. He who left behind morals that linger for us
Like musk diffusing fragrance in dew.

٢٥. أودى الذي أخلاقه أبقت لنا
كالمسك ذكراً في الندى يضوع

26. It is as if he is a secret contained in life
That spreads in death and in life.

٢٦. فكأنه سر تضمنه الحيا
بعد الممات وفي الحياة يذيع

27. Alas for him whose light of guidance
Guided all people to righteousness altogether.

٢٧. أودى الذي كانت بنور هدائه
تهدى الأنام إلى الصلاح جميع

28. It is as if he is a fire on a banner that appeared
At night, and all the lands took heed.

٢٨. فكأنه نار على علم بدت
ليلاً لها كل البلاد تريع

29. Alas for him who fasted slaying desires,
Reviving the night while sleepy.

٢٩. أودى الذي قتل الهواجر صائماً
والليل قد أحياه وهو نجيع

30. It is as if he is a spring appearing at dawn,
And as if his night of passion is poured forth at dawn.

٣٠. فكأنه نبع حني هجيرة
وكأن صبحاً ليله المسفوع

31. He connected fasting to standing as if
Passionately in love, anxious for the coming tomorrow.

٣١. وصل الصيام إلى القيام كأنه
صب بحب هوى غد مولوع

32. Alas for him who had a life by which
All pillars were established with foundations.

٣٢. أودى الذي كانت له سير بها
قامت على كل العماد شروع

33. It is as if he was given prophethood and success -
He is obeyed and his word is heard.

٣٣. فكأنه أعطي النبوة والمنى
فهو المطاع وقوله المسموع

34. Alas for him whose attire was chastity,
And coats of armor doubled over him.

٣٤. أودى الذي كان العفاف دثاره
وتضاعفت منه عليه دروع

35. It is as if he is one who from fear and weeping
Is bedridden above the mattress.

٣٥. فكأنه من خوفه وبكائه
فوق الفراش ممرض مصروع

36. Alas for him the angels were always
Frequenting his house, welcomed in it.

٣٦. أودى الذي كان الملائك دائماً
في داره لهم بها ترجيع

37. It is as if it is the sacred house, sanctified,
And they are birds roosting over it.

٣٧. وكأنها البيت الحرام مقدسا
وكأنهم طير عليه سجوع

38. Alas for him whose judgement satisfied leadership
Like sheep led to sale.

٣٨. أودى الذي كان القضاء لأمره
طوع القياد كما يقاد تبيع

39. It is as if he is an entrusted judge
And a subservient subject.

٣٩. فكأنه حكم عليه موكل
وكأنه عبد عليه مطيع

40. Alas for him steadfast in his forbearance
When blamed, upright and stable.

٤٠. أودى الذي في حلمه متثبت
ما قيل فيه زلة ووضوع

41. It is as if the disputants meet his eyes
Like a sword dragging across mellow cheeks.

٤١. فكأنها الخصماء تلقى عينه
سيف يسل على الحود قطيع

42. Alas for him who in every neighborhood is eloquent
Or is silent yet acts graciously.

٤٢. أودى الذي في كل حي ناطق
أو أخرس منه عليه صنيع

43. It is as if he is among them and they are in his custody -
An orphan's sheikh in his hands as a suckling infant.

٤٣. فكأنه فيهم وهم في حكمه
شيخ يتيم في يديه رضيع

44. Alas for him whose palm-fulls
Were generous even to the criminal and sinful.

٤٤. أودى الذي كانت مناهل كفه
بالسيب تفهق والعفاة شروع

45. It is as if in his palms are ten clouds
From each flows a spring.

٤٥. فكأن في كفيه عشر سحائب
من كل واحدة جرى ينبوع

46. Alas for him whose homes the guests in summer
Frequented, seasons passing with him.

٤٦. أودى الذي كان الضيوف بسوحه
صيف لهم يمضي به وربيع

47. It is as if they are the palms of his hands -
A meadow he tended that will not graze the sick.

٤٧. فكأنهم ذو الهنائد كفه
روض رعته ولن تراع مريع

48. Today he became lifeless beneath the soil,
Forbidden what he intended of erected temples.

٤٨. فاليوم أصبح ثاوياً تحت الثرى
عما يروم معبد ممنوع

49. I studied his lands in settlements, which
Were settled with them for the dissenters.

٤٩. درست ربوع منه في الأحيا وقد
عمرت به للقاسطين ربوع

50. Who can replace you after your burial place,
O righteous one bearing calamity?

٥٠. من لي بمثلك بعد مسكنك الثرى
يا صالح متحمل زعزيع

51. If I call you, O Son of El Hessan Al Radi,
Are you the responder? For supplication you are Hearer.

٥١. هل إن دعوتك يا ابن بلحسن الرضى
أنت المجيب وللدعاء سميع

52. You left me the consolation of calamities - whenever
The elegists compose, I am anguished.

٥٢. خلفتني سلو الحوادث كلما
نعت النعاة فإنني مفجوع

53. From you is what is in me, and what is in you in the grave, so perhaps
You are the comforter while I am pulled.

٥٣. بي منك ما بك في الضريح فربما
أنت المريح وإنني لنزوع

54. It is as if I am resurrected from the sorrow
You inherited me from its mother emptied.

٥٤. وكأنني بدح من الحزن الذي
أورثتني عن أمه مخلوع

55. I cry over you, and I have right to prolonged crying -
My tears are depleted, so I lament fervently.

٥٥. أبكي عليك وحق لي طول البكا
نفدت دموعي فاستهل نجيع

56. I cry over you, and all who tread the soil
Cry over you, and do not fret over you.

٥٦. أبكي عليك وكل من وطئ الثرى
يبكي عليك وليس عنك يروع

57. I cry over you, though my agony over you
May magnify the crying, sorrow and anguish.

٥٧. أبكي عليك وقد يعظم لوعتي
فيك البكا والحُزن والتفجيع

58. I cry over you, and the high company has cried before me,
And groups, multitudes, and crowds.

٥٨. أبكي عليك وقد بكت عندي العلا
وجماعة وجمائع وجموع

59. If only your washers knew my agony -
They would have left you for me, tears instead of water.

٥٩. لو كان يعلم غاسلوك بلوعتي
تركوك لي عوض المياه دموع

60. Rather, would that your grave were in my eye and in
My intestines, and the hollowed plank my ribs.

٦٠. بل ليت قبرك كان في عيني وفي
أحشاي واللحد المصان ضلوع

61. My soul is your ransom - I say you were but I did not know
My soul that you were afflicted before it.

٦١. روحي فداك أقول كنت وما درت
روحي بأنك قبلها مبخوع

62. After your burial place, I am in anguish -
No delight in eyes after you, no burning passions.

٦٢. أنا بعد مسكنك الضريح بغصة
ما طاب بعدك في العيون هجوع

63. After you left me, I am in desolation
And alienated from people and tribes.

٦٣. أنا بعد ما فارقتني في وحشة
ومن الزمان وأهله لقنوع

64. O exemplar of the righteous, El Hessan Ar Radi,
You are the intercessor and the Prophet is your intercessor.

٦٤. يا قدوة الأبدال هنيت الرضى
أنت الشفيع لك النبي شفيع

65. This cloud cries over you in sadness -
Thunder in it has rumblings and howling.

٦٥. هذا السحاب بكى عليك بعبرة
للرعد فيه زماجر وبعيع

66. The heavenly delights received your spirit,
And the tenderness of God covered you.

٦٦. ولجنة الفردوس روحك روحت
وعليك من لطف الاله خليع

67. So blessed are your footsteps, for they are blessed -
The afterglow of splendor rising after sunset.

٦٧. فمبارك عقباك فهو مبارك
عقب الغروب من الضياء طلوع

68. The righteous brothers and uncles - they are
The excellent successors, their path followed.

٦٨. والاخوة الأبرار والأعمام هم
نعم الخلائف نهجهم متبوع

69. They were wholesome roots, and righteousness indicates them,
And roots, however wholesome, have branching leaves.

٦٩. طابوا أصولاً والصلاح دليلها
والأَصل مهما طاب طين فروع

70. Their pulpits were raised - they rose with them.
The elevated, even if disgraced, is elevated.

٧٠. رفعت منابرهم لهم فسمت بهم
إن الرفيع ولو أهين رفيع

71. The Ibadi faith through them became whiter,
And knowledge from them was enriched by study.

٧١. دين الأباضي صار منهم أبيضا
والعلم منهم زانه التوريع

72. You have lived, O Bani Abdus Salam, in a state
With the enemies' noses ground in it.

٧٢. عشتم بني عبد السلام بدولة
أنف العدو لكم بها مجدوع

73. And unto you is patience in your trials -
Restraint when given is satisfying.

٧٣. وعليكمو بالصبر في بلواكمو
إِن الحلم بما أتيح قنوع

74. Death is a bridge upon the back of hope -
It was built, and all people cross it.

٧٤. فالموت قنطرة على ظهر الرجا
عمرت وعابرها الأنام جميع