
Pray upon the Chosen One, peace and blessings be upon him,

عن المصطفى صلوا عليه وسلموا

1. Pray upon the Chosen One, peace and blessings be upon him,
Listen attentively to these questions and understand,

١. عن المصطفى صلوا عليه وسلموا
مسائل نصت فافهموها وأفهموا

2. The first five are for worldly increase - wealth, status, children, life span and family.
The next twenty are matters judged and determined.

٢. زيادة دنيانا فخمس وبعدها
فعشرون قسماً حكمها يتقسم

3. Five are destined by fate - unchangeable by any authority.
The other fifteen can be ruled upon.

٣. فخمس لعمري أسندت وهي بالقضا
وغير القضا ما ليس فيهن يحكم

4. Family, ruler, progeny, and wealth.
And fifth - the fullness of years to their completion.

٤. هم الأهل والسلطان والنسل والغنى
وخامسها العمر الطويل المتمم

5. Another five come through strife - chastity, horsemanship, calligraphy, gardens, hellfire.
Five more by habit - bowel movements, marriage, eating, troubled sleep.

٥. وخمس أتت بالاجتهاد فعفهةً
فروسيةً خط جنان جهنم

6. By essence - wisdom, communication, generosity, righteousness, truthfulness.
These twenty five have come, and I hope

٦. وخمس فبالعادات مشي تغوط
نكاح وأكل والنعاس المهوم

7. God will forgive and have mercy,
Upon the Chosen One, his companions and family,

٧. وبالجوهر الحلم التواصل والسخا
كذاك الصلاح الصدق حيث يهوم

8. And his progeny. Pray upon him and bless him.

٨. فذي الخمس والعشرون جاءت وإنني
لراجٍ بأن اللَه يعفو ويرحم

٩. على المصطفى والصاحبيه وآله
وعترته صلوا عليه وسلموا