
Behold, the books of prophets upon whom

ألا إن كتب الأنبياء عليهم

1. Behold, the books of prophets upon whom
Prayers from the Merciful continue endlessly

١. أَلا إن كتب الأنبياء عليهم
صلاة من الرحمن دائمة تترى

2. So four came after one hundred
Explaining the essence and expounding the exterior

٢. فأربعة جاءت على إثر ماية
مفسّرة بطناً ومشروحة ظهرا

3. Fifty of them were written by Sheth son of Adam
And Idris had thirty, they were explained fully

٣. فخمسون منها كتب شيث بن آدم
وإدريس منها بالثلاثين قد بُرّا

4. Twenty of them were for Khalil son of Azar
So one hundred came clarifying the blossoms

٤. وعشرون منها للخليل بن آزر
فذي ماية جاءت مبينة زهرا

5. The Torah of Moses then the Gospel of Mary
Psalms of David all came completely purified

٥. فتوراة موسى ثم آنجيل مريم
زبور لداود أَتَت كلها زبرا

6. And the Criterion of our Master the Prophet Muhammad
Upon him the prayers of God and the prophets freshly

٦. وفرقان مولانا النبي محمد
عليه صلاة اللَه والأَنبيا طرا

7. And they were one hundred and twenty four thousand was their number
And four thousand and thirteen more

٧. وهم ماية عشرون أَلفاً عدادهم
وأربع آلاف وثالثة عشرا

8. Three hundred was the total of their calculation
Its seal the Guide of Mankind the Chosen One, the Purest

٨. ثلاث مئين من تمام حسابهم
ختامهم الهادي الورى المصطفى الطهرا

9. Three hundred and thirteen were sent
And the rest were given bounty and reward

٩. ثلاث مئين ثالث العشر أُرسلوا
وباقيهم قد وُفّقوا الفضل والأَجرا

10. Four were Arabs and non-Arabs in total
So these are all the prophets that came successively

١٠. وأَربعة عُربا وعُجما جَميعهم
فهذي جَميع الأَنبياء أَتَت تَتَرى

11. Hood, Shuaib, Salih then their peer
Muhammad our Master so this is the Arabian flower

١١. فهود شعيب صالح ثم كفلهم
محمد مولانا فذي العرب الزَهرا