1. I gifted you advice, had you obeyed the advisor,
You would have found me giving you sincere advice.
١. وهبتك النصح لو طاوعت من نصحا
فقد محضتك مني خلصة النصحا
2. Fear God, I advise you, so beware of Him,
You will succeed if you succeed in the place of success.
٢. تقوى الاله فقد أَوصيك فاتقه
تفلح إِذا أَفلحت في الموقف الفلحا
3. And your parents, I advise you to be good to them,
So be angry if they get angry and forgive if they forgive,
٣. والوالدين فقد أَوصيك برهما
فاغضب إِذا غضبا واصفح إِذا صفحا
4. Their pleasure is part of pleasing the Creator upon you, so if
You anger them, you will find sorrow from your anger.
٤. رضاهما من رضى الباري عليك فإِن
تغضبهما تلق من إغضابك الترحا
5. And seek knowledge even if in China striving,
And pursue it with a mind that has settled and expanded.
٥. واطلب العلم لو بالصين مجتهداً
واغمض عليه بعقل راسب رزحا
6. The first knowledge is teaching the Qur’an, as in
Its teaching is every way of guidance made clear.
٦. وأَول العلم تعليم القرآن ففي
تعليمه كل منهاج الهدى وضحا
7. So be keen on it and do not tire, and be understanding,
And to the teacher be a servant and be easy going.
٧. فاحرص عليه ولا تضجر وكن فهما
وللمعلم كن عبداً وكن سمحا
8. The teacher only advises with approval,
And know that if you please him, he gave advice.
٨. إِن المعلم لم ينصح بغير رضى
واعلم بأنك إِن أَرضيته نصحا
9. And when you finish memorizing, preserve it well
And tie the lesson at its appointed times morning and evening.
٩. وإِن ختمت فجوِّده لتحفظه
ورابط الدرس في وقتي مسا وضحى
10. And accompany the people of God's house awaiting
In it the obligations and let tears flow.
١٠. والزم جماعة بيت الله مرتقباً
فيه الفروض وخل الدَمع منسفحا
11. And aim to attain medical knowledge, whereby
Sense with responsibility and splendor is established.
١١. واقصد لمطلب علم الطب حيث به
يُقوم العقل ذو التكليف والسبحا
12. And take from grammar what suffices and take language
So you can be eloquent, having mastered eloquence.
١٢. وخذ من النحو ما يكفي وخذ لغة
كيما تكون فصيحا مدره الفصحا
13. Then the fundamentals, the foundations of faith, then take
The origin of secondary and branch of origin made clear.
١٣. ثم الأُصول أُصول الدين ثم تخذ
أَصل الفُروع وفرع الأَصل منشرحا
14. Whatever remains of sciences, take what you can,
Do not be bored or disgusted with them.
١٤. وما بقي من علوم ما استطعت فخذ
ولا تَكُن ضجراً منها وَلا طلحا
15. And be associated with the people of piety and knowledge,
And cut off from the foolish people, the ropes pulled loose.
١٥. وكن بأَهل التُقى والعلم مقترناً
وَعن آلي الجهل صاري الحبل منتوِحا
16. Accompany a scholarly and pious brother, and be with them
In what benefits you, and preserve all they have explained.
١٦. صاحب أَخا العلم والتقوى وكن فهما
فيما يفيدك واحفظ كل ما شرحا
17. The people of knowledge are stars that give light
When the darkness of ignorance piles up and lies down.
١٧. أَهل العلوم نجوم يستضاء بها
إِذا تراكم ليل الجَهل وانسدحا
18. You will find blessings present when called by them
Reason, light, proof, and gift.
١٨. تلقى بناديهم الخيرات حاضرة
والعقل والنور والبرهان والمنحا
19. Be confident with them wherever they may be,
And cut off others, and take in weighing what weighs most.
١٩. كن منهم حيثما كانوا على ثقة
واقطع سواهم وخذ في الوزن ما رجحا
20. For man will be grouped with whom he loved, so be
Among the righteous, meeting God reconciled.
٢٠. فالمرء يحشر مع من قد أَحب فكن
في الصالحين تلاقي اللَه مصطلحا
21. Every friend of God is brought near,
And he who moves away has certainly moved away.
٢١. فكل مقرّب لِلّه مقترب
منهم ومنتزح عنهم فقد نزحا
22. It is said man's companion makes him similar,
So choose for yourself, if you succeed, what improves.
٢٢. وقيل إِن قرين المرء يشبهه
فاختر لنفسك إِن وفقت ما صلحا
23. If you accompany the forbearing, the creations’ traits
Blow from him like ambergris fragrance.
٢٣. إِن الحليم إِذا صاحبته نفحت
لك الخلائق منه كالكبا نفحا
24. One of little manners, if you socialize with him,
His ways are contaminated, and if you improve him, made ugly.
٢٤. وذو اللامة إِن صافيته كدرت
أَخلاقه وإِذا حسنته قبحا
25. Oppose the foolish, and do not accompany an ignorant brother,
Alas! Fools and idiots are not like the reconciled.
٢٥. عادي الحليم ولا تصحب أَخا حمق
هيهات ما السفهاء الحمقى كالصلحا
26. Do not feel safe from the reckless, reckless fool’s advice,
How he has turned harm upon the head of the friend.
٢٦. لا تأمن الأحمق الطياش نصحته
كم منه دارت على رأس الصديق رحا
27. Whoever accompanies the ignorant, blathering fool
Is sunk in an ocean of ignorance, even if swimming.
٢٧. من يصحب الأَحمق الثرثار غودر في
بحر من الجهل يغرقه ولو سبحا
28. And beware friendship, if you wished to advise
Him of his ignorance, he would not limit. Move away from him.
٢٨. واحذر أَخوّة من لو شئت نصحته
عن جهله لم يحد كن عنه منتزحا
29. Merchandise is only brought for its season
To spend it or its Lord profits.
٢٩. إِن البضاعة لم تُجلب لموسمها
إِلا لانفاقها أَو ربُّها ربحا
30. And dignify yourself from what is past its want,
And do not be overjoyed at acquiring more.
٣٠. وعز نفسك عما فات مطلبه
ولا تكن بنمو المقتنى فرحا
31. And if you are able to do good, act quickly
And oppose evil and flee far away.
٣١. وَإِن قدرت على خير لتفعله
أَسرع وخالف هو الشيطان والبرحا
32. And if the door of evil faces you locked,
Leave it and shut it if you find it open.
٣٢. وإِن تعرض باب الشر منغلقاً
دعه وَأَغلقه إِن لاقاكَ مفتتحا
33. And if secrets are entrusted to you, then be
Deaf ears that do not hear what is said.
٣٣. وإِن توددعتَ اَسرارا فكن أُذنا
صماء ما سمعت في الحال ما شرحا
34. And if you sit in a gathering, be in it a mountain,
And if called to speak, be lightning swift.
٣٤. وَإِن قعدت بناد كن به جبلا
وإِن دعتك الورى كن بارقاً لمحا
35. And if silent, then be one of thought, and if
Speaking, let your speech be eloquent and witty.
٣٥. وَإِن سكت فكن ذا فكرة وإِذا
نطقت فليبد منك المنطق الملحا
36. It may be said, man’s words are his lineage,
A vessel pours out what is in its depths.
٣٦. وقد يقال كلام المرء نسبته
إِن الإِناء بما في بطنه رشحا
37. Meet your guest smiling openly
Even if the face of time scowls and frowns.
٣٧. ولاق ضيفك طلق الوجه مبتسماً
ولو تعبَّس وجه الدهر مكتلحا
38. For the noble are traits that distinguish them,
The flood of giving not favoring when generous.
٣٨. فللكريم خلال يستدل بها
إِن سيل أَعطي ولم يمنن إِذا سمحا
39. And be patient with the pinches of life, and be strong,
How many distresses before watering wither then recover.
٣٩. واصبر على غصص الدنيا وكن جلدا
كم عارض قبل ما يسقي أمحى وصحا
40. I am a man who has known time well,
Eating, drinking, hearing, and observing.
٤٠. إِني امرؤ قد عرفت الدهر معرفة
أَكلاً وشرباً ومسموعا وملتمحا
41. I have milked from the days their halves,
And ignited the flints of time so they sparked.
٤١. وقد حلبت من الأَيام أَشطرها
وقد قدحت زناد الدَهر فاقتدحا
42. I almost know what their consciences were,
And if I wanted to state plainly, it would be stated.
٤٢. فكدت أَعلم ما كنت ضمائرهم
ولو أَردت بها التصريح لانصرحا
43. Their world is dead, I have smelled its stench,
And the best of them is a dog around it barking.
٤٣. دنياهم ميتة قد شمتُها بَرَكَت
وَخيرهم فهو كلب حولها نبحا
44. So seek help from God, relying on Him,
Through Him you will succeed, O triumph of one who succeeds!
٤٤. فاستعن باللَه عنهم هبه متكلا
عليه تنجح ويا فوز امرئ نجحا
45. And I have advised you, O righteous heart, though
Many advicers were more worthy than you, had I advised.
٤٥. وقد نصحتك يا بر الفؤاد وكم
من ناصح كان أَولى منك لو نُصحا
46. A blind man guided you and the way was clear,
So he fell into a pit of harm and was disgraced.
٤٦. أَهداك أَعمى ومنهاج الهدى وضحا
فطاح في هوة الاضار وافتضحا
47. O Lord, I seek Your pardon, without smoothness,
Except by Your subtlety, things become harmonized.
٤٧. يا رب عفوك أَجري غير منسمح
إِلا بلطفك يغدو الأَمر منسمحا
48. So overlook the sinful offender, You are more worthy
And appropriate to bestow than one who gave and was generous.
٤٨. فاصفح عن المذنب الجاني فأنت به
أَولى وَأَجدر من أَعطى ومن سمحا