1. I have not seen a people like us, the best of people for their nation
Who boasts among us against our people less
١. لم أَرَ قوماً مثلنا خَيرَ قَومِهم
أَقَلَّ به مِنَّا على قومنا فَخرا
2. And arrogance does not make us great over them
When they speak to us, that we speak to them little
٢. وما تَزدَهِينا الكبرياءُ عليهمُ
إذا كلمونا أن نُكَلّمَهُم نَزرا
3. And we are the sons of rainwater, so we do not see
For ourselves other than the kingdom, a palace
٣. ونحن بنو ماء السماء فلا نَرَى
لأنفسنا من دون مَملَكِةٍ قَصرا