
And the camels have not wandered for a day and night

وما حائمات حمن يوما وليلة

1. And the camels have not wandered for a day and night
Around water fearing the conversation of a stick

١. وَما حائِماتٌ حُمنَ يَوماً وَلَيلَةً
عَلى الماءِ يَخشَينَ العِصِيَّ حَوارِ

2. Wandering camels that do not leave for any destination
Nor are they, from the cold of the cisterns, crazed

٢. عَوافِيَ لا يَصدُرنَ عَنهُ لِوِجهَةٍ
وَلا هُنَّ مِن بَردِ الحِياضِ دَوانِ

3. They see the foam of water and death beside it
So they are, to the voices of water bearers, docile

٣. يَرَينَ حَبابَ الماءِ وَالمَوتُ دونَهُ
فَهُنَّ لِأَصواتِ السُقاةِ رَوانِ

4. With more fervent than I, heat of yearning and agony
For you, but the enemy has barred me

٤. بِأَجهَدَ مِنّي حَرَّ شَوقٍ وَلَوعَةٍ
عَلَيكِ وَلَكِنَّ العَدوَّ عَداني

5. My intimate friend, I am dead or conversing
With the secrets of my heart, so go away and leave me

٥. خَليلَيَّ إِنّي مَيِّتٌ أَو مُكَلِّمٌ
لُبَينى بِسِرّي فَاِمضِيا وَذَراني

6. I have attained my need, my love, and o Lord of all needs
I have risen above fear and the madness of love

٦. أَنَل حاجَتي وَحدي وَيا رُبَّ حاجَةٍ
قَضَيتُ عَلى هَولٍ وَخَوفِ جِنانِ

7. For the most deserving people not to forget
And to abandon one who if he wished could cure me

٧. فَإِنَّ أَحَقَّ الناسِ أَلّا تُجاوِزوا
وَتَطَّرِحا مَن لَو يَشاءُ شَفاني

8. And he who led me to death until when its bowed drinking vessels
Poured for me the deadly poison to drink

٨. وَمَن قادَني لِلمَوتِ حَتّى إِذا صَفَت
مَشارِبُهُ السُمَّ الزُعافَ سَقاني