
The Most Merciful rewards the best of rewards

جزى الرحمن أفضل ما يجازى

1. The Most Merciful rewards the best of rewards
For kindness, better than a friend

١. جَزى الرَحمَنُ أَفضَلَ ما يُجازى
عَلى الإِحسانِ خَيراً مِن صَديقِ

2. For I have tried all my brothers
But did not find like the son of Abi Atiq

٢. فَقَد جَرَّبتُ إِخواني جَميعاً
فَما أَلفَيتُ كَاِبنَ أَبي عَتيقِ

3. He strove to reunite me after estrangement
And I was guided by his view from the wrong path

٣. سَعى في جَمعِ شَملي بَعدَ صَدعٍ
وَرَأيٍ هِدتُ فيهِ عَنِ الطَريقِ

4. And he extinguished an anxiety that was in my heart
Whose heat choked my saliva

٤. وَأَطفَءُ لَوعَةً كانَت بِقَلبي
أَغَصَّتني حَرارَتُها بَريقي