
When my legs faltered, I remembered she to whom they belong

إذا خدرت رجلي تذكرت من لها

1. When my legs faltered, I remembered she to whom they belong
So I called Lubna by name and implored

١. إِذا خَدِرَت رِجلي تَذَكَّرتُ مَن لَها
فَنادَيتُ لُبنى بِاِسمِها وَدَعَوتُ

2. I implored her, whom if my soul obeyed me
I would abandon for love of her and pass away

٢. دَعَوتُ الَّتي لَو أَنَّ نَفسي تُطيعُني
لَفارَقتُها مِن حُبِّها وَقَضَيتُ

3. Lubna readied her arrows for the hunt and fletched
And I fletched others like them and readied

٣. بَرَت نَبلَها لِلصيدِ لُبنى وَرَيَّشَت
وَرَيَّشتُ أُخرى مِثلُها وَبَرَيتُ

4. So when she shot me, aiming at me with her arrow
And I missed her with the arrow when I shot

٤. فَلَمّا رَمَتني أَقصَدَتني بِسَهمِها
وَأَخطَأتُها بِالسَهمِ حينَ رَميتُ

5. I left Lubna confused, as if I
Had been coupled to al-‘Uyuq, then plunged

٥. وَفارَقتُ لُبنى ضَلَّةً فَكَأَنَّني
قُرِنتَ إِلى العُيوقِ ثُمَّ هَوَيتُ

6. Oh, would that I had died before parting with her
Could she return once chance had slipped away? Would that I had!

٦. فَيا لَيتَ أَنّي مِتُّ قَبلَ فِراقِها
وَهَل تَرجِعَن فَوتَ القَضِيَّةِ لَيتُ

7. So I became, and my old age, like him whom
On the morrow of battle, the enemies had stricken and killed

٧. فَصِرتُ وَشَيخي كَالَّذي عَثَرَت بِهِ
غَداةَ الوَغى بَينَ العُداةِ كُمَيتُ

8. But she stood up, harmed only lightly there
While her horseman lay dead beneath the horse litter

٨. فَقامَت وَلَم تُضرَر هُناكَ سَوِيَّةً
وَفارِسُها تَحتَ السَنابِكِ مَيتُ

9. So if my passion for Lubna is leading me astray
Then, O Dharidh son of Hubab, surely you have led astray too

٩. فَإِن يَكُ تَهيامي بِلُبنى غَوايَةً
فَقَد يا ذَريحَ بنَ الحُبابِ غَوَيتُ

10. For you saw not in me what you had hoped
Nor did I possess Lubna or life itself

١٠. فَلا أَنتَ ما أَمَّلتَ فِيَّ رَأَيتُهُ
وَلا أَنا لُبنى وَالحَياةَ حَوَيتُ

11. So accustom yourself to my death by your hand, for
It is as if, O Dharidh, you had taken my life

١١. فَوَطِّن لِهُلكي مِنكِ نَفساً فَإِنَّني
كَأَنَّكَ بي قَد يا ذُرَيحَ قَضَيتُ