1. My beloved turned away, so today you've become indifferent,
And today, after being decisive, you've become hesitant.
١. بانَت لُبَينى فَأَنتَ اليَومَ مَتبولُ
وَإِنَّكَ اليَومَ بَعدَ الحَزمِ مَخبولُ
2. So my beloved has moved away from you today,
And the guide to goodness has left her honey sweetened.
٢. فَأَصبَحَت عَنكَ لُبنى اليَومَ نازِحَةً
وَدَلُّ لُبنى لَها الخَيراتِ مَعسولُ
3. Will my beloved's determination return as it used to be,
As the nights of lovemaking were once well received?
٣. هَل تَرجِعَنَّ نَوى لُبنى بِعاقِبَةٍ
كَما عَهِدتَ لَيالي العِشقُ مَقبولُ
4. She's made me truly satisfied with her,
Our bond was strong and the rope was tied.
٤. وَقَد أَراني بِلُبنى حَقَّ مُقتَنِعٍ
وَالشَملُ مُجتَمِعٌ وَالحَبلُ مَوصولُ
5. Because of my love for her, whenever she's recalled,
My heart is pledged and my mind possessed.
٥. فَصِرتُ مِن حُبِّ لُبنى حينَ أَذكُرُها
القَلبُ مُرتَهَنٌ وَالعَقلُ مَدخولُ
6. Due to love for her, or just the thought of her,
My heart today is preoccupied and distressed.
٦. أَصبَحتَ مِن حُبِّ لُبنى بَل تَذَكُّرِها
في كُربَةٍ فَفُؤادي اليَومَ مَشغولُ
7. My body is weakened by our separation,
Wasted by prolonged illness, it's become frail.
٧. وَالجِسمُ مِنِّيَ مَنهوكٌ لِفُرقَتِها
يَبريهِ طولُ سَقامٍ فَهوَ مَنحولُ
8. It's as if, the day she stopped talking to me,
I became a crazed lover, brokenhearted and confused.
٨. كَأَنَّني يَومَ وَلَّت ما تُكَلِّمُني
أَخو هِيامٍ مُصابُ القَلبِ مَسلولُ
9. I trust in God as she leaves me,
Not willingly, as the elder's word was final.
٩. أَستَودِعُ اللَهَ لُبنى إِذ تُفارِقُني
عَن غَيرِ طَوعٍ وَأَمرُ الشَيخِ مَفعولُ