
The day you turned away from me, I did not say,

ويوم منى أعرضت عني فلم أقل

1. The day you turned away from me, I did not say,
Though my soul was in need, what it wished to say.

١. وَيَومَ مِنىً أَعرَضتِ عَنّي فَلَم أَقُل
بِحاجَةِ نَفسِ عِندَ لُبنى مَقالُها

2. In despair there is comfort for the ailing soul -
When what it craves is beyond its reach or role.

٢. وَفي اليَأسِ لِلنَفسِ المَريضَةِ راحَةٌ
إِذا النَفسُ رامَت خُطَّةً لا تَنالُها