
Nothing is more unforgettable than the words of things,

وما أنس من الأشياء لا أنس قولها

1. Nothing is more unforgettable than the words of things,
And their tears that shed the powder of kohl,

١. وَما أَنسَ مِنَ الأَشياءِ لا أَنسَ قَولَها
وَأَدمُعَها يُذرينَ حَشوَ المَكاحِلِ

2. Enjoy this short day, for it is
A hostage to the lengthy months,

٢. تَمَتَّع بِذا اليَومَ القَصيرَ فَإِنَّهُ
رَهينٌ بِأَيّامِ الشُهورِ الأَطاوِلِ

3. Veils from the house appeared
To us, and the inattentiveness of the watcher approached,

٣. تَراءَت وَأَستارٌ مِنَ البَيتِ دونَها
إِلَينا وَحانَت غَفلَةُ المُتَفَقِّدِ

4. With the eyes of Maha, tears flow from them
In torrents, of various tears and suppression,

٤. بِعَيني مَهاةٍ يَحدُرُ الدَمعُ مِنهُما
بَريمَينِ شَتّى مِن دُموعٍ وَإِثمِدِ

5. Take provisions for separation, for I am leaving
To the hopes that suffice you, and God is the Maker

٥. خُذي عُدَّةً لِلبَينِ إِنِّيَ راحِلٌ
قَرى أَمَلٍ يُجديكِ وَاللَهُ صانِعُ

6. So she spilled necklaces of pearls mixed with suppression
On her cheek, except what fingers can hold back

٦. فَسَحَّت بِسِمطَي لُؤلُؤٍ خِلطَ إِثمِدِ
عَلى الخَدِّ إِلّا ما تَكُفُّ الأَصابِعُ