
To God I complain, as one who lost his loved ones complained to God,

إلى الله أشكو فقد لبنى كما شكا

1. To God I complain, as one who lost his loved ones complained to God,
An orphan whom his kin abandoned, so his body is frail,

١. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو فَقدَ لُبنى كَما شَكا
إِلى اللَهِ فَقدَ الوالِدَينِ يَتيمُ

2. And his parents' covenant is old.
Their home cried for their absence, so it shed tears,

٢. يَتيمٌ جَفاهُ الأَقرَبونَ فَجِسمُهُ
نَحيلٌ وَعَهدُ الوالِدَينِ قَديمُ

3. Which of the grievers should I blame?
Am I someone tearful, crying of yearning and love,

٣. بَكَت دارُهُم مِن نَأيِهِم فَتَهَلَّلَت
دُموعِ فَأَيُّ الجازِعينَ أَلومُ

4. Or did I just happen to cry, complaining of his woe and madness?
The bonds of love for my loved ones confused me,

٤. أَمُستَعبِراً يَبكي مِنَ الشَوقِ وَالهَوى
أَما خَرَ يَبكي شَجوَهُ وَيَهيمُ

5. And kinds of mighty love overwhelmed them.
He whose heart clings to love of loved ones,

٥. تَهَيَّضَني مِن حُبِّ لُبنى عَلائِقٌ
وَأَصنافُ حُبٍّ هَولُهُنَّ عَظيمُ

6. Will either die or live, living woefully.
So even if I gathered patience from you,

٦. وَمَن يَتَعَلَّق حُبَّ لُبنى فُؤادُهُ
يَمُت أَو يَعِش ما عاشَ وَهوَ كَليمُ

7. To keep our pact, I remain steadfast.
And time has separated our group,

٧. فَإِنّي وَإِن أَجمَعتُ عَنكِ تَجَلُّداً
عَلى العَهدِ فيما بَينَنا لَمُقيمُ

8. Between you and them, in it misfortune is ominous.
Is it true that your heart is empty,

٨. وَإِنَّ زَمانا شَتَّتَ الشَملَ بَينَنا
وَبَينَكُمُ فيهِ العِدى لَمَشومُ

9. Healthy, while my heart in love with you is sick?

٩. أَفي الحَقِّ هَذا أَنَّ قَلبَكِ فارِغٌ
صَحيحٌ وَقَلبي في هَواكِ سَقيمُ