1. It's as if you didn't sing it, when you didn't meet her
And if you meet her, the heart is content and satisfied
١. كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَغنَهُ إِذ لَم تُلاقِها
وَإِن تَلقَها فَالقَلبُ راضٍ وَقانِعُ
2. So tell me, oh heart, when the beloved departs
To Lubna, and prevents you from what you want to do
٢. فَيا قَلبُ خَبِّرني إِذا شَطَّتِ النَوى
بِلُبنى وَصَدَّت عَنكَ ما أَنتَ صانِعُ
3. Will you be patient with the painful separation, and passionate love?
Or are you a man who has lost all shame, and is uncontrollable?
٣. أَتَصبُرُ لِلبَينِ المُشِتِّ مَعَ الجَوى
أَمَ اِنتَ اِمرُؤٌ ناسي الحَياءِ فَجازِعُ
4. So I wouldn't be if my Lubna slept in an embrace
When the sleeping places became empty
٤. فَما أَنا إِن بانَت لُبَينى بِهاجِعٍ
إِذا ما اِستَقَلَّت بِالنِيامِ المَضاجِعُ
5. And how can one sleep, feeling passionate love
A companion of sorrow, in him sadness and pain?
٥. وَكَيفَ يَنامُ المَرءُ مُستَشعِرَ الجَوى
ضَجيعَ الأَسى فيهِ نِكاسٌ رَوادِعُ
6. So there is no good in life, if Lubna doesn't come to us
And reunite us, the one who brings us together
٦. فَلا خَيرَ في الدُنيا إِذا لَم تُواتِنا
لُبَينى وَلَم يَجمَع لَنا الشَملَ جامِعُ
7. Isn't my Lubna under a roof that protects her
And me, if this benefits me?
٧. أَلَيسَت لُبَينى تَحتَ سَقفٍ يُكِنُّها
وَإِيّايَ هاذا إِن نَأَت لِيَ نافِعُ
8. The ignorant night will clothe us when it's dark
And we see the light of dawn shining
٨. وَيَلبَسُنا اللَيلُ البَهيمُ إِذا دَجا
وَنُبصِرُ ضَوءَ الصُبحِ وَالفَجرُ ساطِعُ
9. She extended a carpet beneath her feet and I
Covered part of it with my feet, nothing prevents me
٩. تَطا تَحتَ رِجلَيها بُساطاً وَبَعضُهُ
أَطاهُ بِرِجلي لَيسَ يَطويهِ مانِعُ
10. And I rejoice if she is well in the evening, and if
Usual events happen, passions renew in me
١٠. وَأَفرَحُ إِن تُمسي بِخَيرٍ وَإِن يَكُن
بِها الحَدَثَ العادي تَرُعني الرَوائِعُ
11. It's as if you're a unique one who hasn't seen people before her
And time didn't show you who it shows
١١. كَأَنَّكَ بِدعٌ لَم تَرى الناسَ قَبلَها
وَلَم يَطَّلِعكَ الدَهرُ فيمَن يُطالِعُ
12. So I used to cry while the beloved was content
With us, and with you all, knowing what separation will do
١٢. فَقَد كُنتُ أَبكي وَالنَوى مُطمَإِنَّةٌ
بِنا وَبِكُم مِن عِلمِ ما البَينُ صانِعُ
13. And I shun you like a hated one, yet my love for you
In my liver is painful sorrows
١٣. وَأَهجُرُكُم هَجرَ البَغيضِ وَحُبُّكُم
عَلى كَبِدي مِنهُ كُلومٌ صَوادِعُ
14. Oh my liver, from the intensity of passion and sorrow
Oh my liver, I will return to God
١٤. فَوا كَبَدي مِن شِدَّةِ الشَوقِ وَالأَسى
وَواكَبَدي إِنّي إِلى اللَهِ راجِعُ
15. And I hasten to show compassion, until it heals me
Fearing the corruption of the house, and reunion brings together
١٥. وَأَعجَلُ لِلإِشفاقِ حَتّى يَشُفَّني
مَخافَةَ شَحطِ الدارِ وَالشَملُ جامِعُ
16. And I turn to the land which is behind you
So that one day, I, the returning one, may return to you
١٦. وَأَعمِدُ لِلأَرضِ الَّتي مِن وَرائِكُم
لِيَرجِعَني يَوماً عَلَيكِ الرَواجِعُ