
Oh the living one! If you are going to Labuna today,

ألا حي لبنى اليوم إن كنت غاديا

1. Oh the living one! If you are going to Labuna today,
Send her my regards before you meet her,

١. أَلا حَيِّ لُبنى اليَومَ إِن كُنتَ غادِياً
وَأَلمِم بِها مِن قَبلِ أَن لا تَلاقِيا

2. And give her sincere advice from me though it be little,
Fear not the slanderers however mean they are.

٢. وَأَهدي لَها مِنكَ النَصيحَةَ إِنَّها
قَليلٌ وَلا تَخشَ الوُشاةَ الأَدانِيا

3. Say: I yearn for the dancing maidens in the hills of Jemmah,
Where they await the announcer's call.

٣. وَقُل إِنَّني الراقِصاتِ إِلى مِناً
بِأَجبُلِ جَمعٍ يَنتَظِرنَ المُنادِيا

4. I keep you from some troublesome affairs,
And fear for you the hostile aggressors.

٤. أَصونُكِ عَن بَعضِ الأُمورِ مَضَنَّةً
وَأَخشى عَلَيكِ الكاشِحينَ الأَعادِيا

5. My soul falls when I see you downcast,
Returning with only woeful tidings.

٥. تَساقَطُ نَفسي حينَ أَلقاكِ أَنفُساً
يَرِدنَ فَما يَصدُرنَ إِلّا صَوادِيا

6. Whether I live or perish, I'll not cease to be,
For long, your vigilant keeper though my tongue goes dry.

٦. فَإِن أَحيَ أَو أَهلِك فَلَستُ بِزائِلٍ
لَكَم حافِظاً ما بَلَّ ريقٌ لِسانِيا

7. When passion makes my soul ascend, I say
A sigh besieges me, oh what is it!

٧. أَقولُ إِذا نَفسي مِنَ الوَجدِ أَصعَدَت
بِها زَفرَةٌ تَعتادُني هِيَ ما هِيا

8. Between my throat and bosom is a heat from me,
And a burning desire leaving my heart distracted.

٨. وَبَينَ الحَشا وَالنَحرِ مِنّي حَرارَةٌ
وَلَوعَةُ وَجدٍ تَترُكُ القَلبَ ساهِيا

9. Oh, would that Labuna were not my confidante!
Would that Labuna had not seen me, nor knew what I was!

٩. أَلا لَيتَ لُبنى لَم تَكُن لِيَ خُلَّةً
وَلَم تَرَني لُبنى وَلَم أَدرِ ما هِيا

10. Ask the people: did I confide your secret to them?
To a trusted brother or a treacherous foe?

١٠. سَلي الناسَ هَل خَبَّرتُ سِرَّكِ مِنهُمُ
أَخا ثِقَةٍ أَو ظاهِرَ الغِشِّ بادِيا

11. I go from house to house, perhaps I may
Unburden my soul in secret when alone.

١١. وَأَخرُجُ مِن بَينِ البُيوتِ لَعَلَّني
أُحَدِّثُ عَنكِ النَفسَ في السِرِّ خالِيا

12. Though I have no drowsiness, I cover my face,
Hoping your phantom comes to meet mine.

١٢. وَإِنّي لَأَستَغشي وَما بِيَ نَعسَةٌ
لَعَلَّ خَيالاً مِنكِ يَلقى خَيالِيا

13. Those who censured you when we broke apart said:
By my life! Today you bear what you see!

١٣. يَقولُ لِيَ الواشونَ لَمّا تَظاهَروا
عَلَيكِ وَأَضحى الحَبلُ لِلبَينِ واهِيا

14. And you were warned of Labuna whom once you sought.

١٤. لَعَمري لَقَبلَ اليَومِ حُمِّلتَ ما تَرى
وَأُنذِرتَ مِن لُبنى الَّذي كُنتَ لاقِيا