
I was told that my uncle has a herd of camels confined

أنبئت أن لخالي هجمة حبسا

1. I was told that my uncle has a herd of camels confined
As if they are next to Mash'ar with cut off humps

١. أُنبِئتُ أَنَّ لِخالي هَجمَةً حُبسا
كَأَنَّهُنَّ بِجَنبِ المَشعَرِ النُصُلُ

2. You used to dwell with us in the past as a neighbor
You have neither a she-camel to pasture nor a camel

٢. قَد كُنتَ فيما مَضى قِدماً تُجاوِرُنا
لا ناقَةٌ لَكَ تَرعاها وَلا جَمَلُ

3. It would not have harmed my uncle ‘Amr if he had divided it
Among some of the enclosures and the entirety of the well laden

٣. ما ضَرَّ خالِيَ عَمرواً لَو تَقَسَّمَها
بَعضُ الحِياضِ وَجَمُّ البِئرِ مُحتَفِلُ