
My soul was attached to her soul before our creation

تعلق روحي روحها قبل خلقنا

1. My soul was attached to her soul before our creation
And after we were but drops and in the cradle

١. تَعلَقُ رَوحي رَوحَها قَبلَ خَلقِنا
وَمِن بَعدِ ما كُنّا نِطافا وَفي المَهدِ

2. It grew as we grew and became erect
So it's not severed even if we die

٢. فَزادَ كَما زِدنا فَأَصبَحَ نامِيا
فَلَيسَ وَإِن مُتنا بِمُنفَصِمِ العَهدِ

3. Rather, it remains despite every event
And visits us in the darkness of the grave and shroud

٣. وَلَكِنَّهُ باقٍ عَلى كُلِّ حادِثٍ
وَزائِرُنا في ظَلمَةِ القَبرِ وَاللَحدِ

4. The raindrops almost scratch her skin
When she bathes with water, so delicate is her skin

٤. يَكادُ حُبابُ الماءِ يَخدِشُ جِلدَها
إِذا اِغتَسَلَت بِالماءِ مِن رِقَتِ الجِلدِ

5. And I long for the scent of her bosom
As Idris longed for the eternal Paradise

٥. وَإِنِّيَ أَشتاقُ إِلى ريحِ جَيبِها
كَما اِشتاقَ إِدريسُ إِلى جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ

6. If she wore a dress of pure roses
It would scratch her skin and the rose petals

٦. وَلَو لَبِسَت ثَوباً مِنَ الوَردِ خالِصاً
لَخَدَّشَ مِنها جِلدَها وَرَقُ الوَردِ

7. The silk garment weighs heavily on her for her tenderness
And she complains to her neighbors of the weight of the necklace

٧. يُثَقِّلُها لُبسُ الحَريرِ لِلينِها
وَتَشكو إِلى جاراتِها ثِقَلَ العِقدِ

8. And I have mercy on her cheeks when I glimpse them
Lest my glance affect her cheek

٨. وَأَرحَمُ خَدَّيها إِذا ما لَحَظتُها
حِذاراً لِلَحظي أَن يُؤَثِّرَ في الخَدِّ