1. I see the house of Lubna has been abandoned today
How strange is Lubna's abandonment, yet it brings you good
١. أَرى بَيتَ لُبنى أَصبَحَ اليَومَ يُهجَرُ
وَهُجرانُ لُبنى يا لَكَ الخَيرُ مُنكَرُ
2. Do you cry over Lubna when you were the one who left her?
And you had power over her with wealth, you had more
٢. أَتَبكي عَلى لُبنى وَأَنتَ تَرَكتَها
وَأَنتَ عَلَيها بِالمَلا أَنتَ أَقدَرُ
3. If the world had turned for Lubna, then for me are bellies and backs
Indeed in it there was a place for honesty,
٣. فَإِن تَكُنِ الدُنيا بِلُبنى تَقَلَّبَت
عَلَيَّ فَلِلدُنيا بُطونٌ وَأَظهُرُ
4. And for the heart a refuge, and for the eye a scene
And for the thirsty wanderer a draft with its saliva
٤. لَقَد كانَ فيها لِلأَمانَةَ مَوضِعٌ
وَلِلقَلبِ مُرتادٌ وَلِلعَينِ مَنظَرُ
5. And for the swaggering drunkard, wine and intoxicants
It was as if she were a swing for me between ropes
٥. وَلِلحائِمِ العَطشانِ رَيٌّ بِريقِها
وَلِلمَرَحِ المُختالِ خَمرٌ وَمُسكِرُ
6. Whenever a memory of her flickers across my heart
٦. كَأَنّي لَها أُرجوحَةٌ بَينَ أَحبُلٍ
إِذا ذُكرَةٌ مِنها عَلى القَلبِ تَخطُرُ