1. O raven of separation, are you informing me
Of good as you have concealed in omens and ill,
١. أَلا يا غُرابَ البَينِ هَل أَنتَ مُخبِري
بِخَيرٍ كَما خَبَّأتَ بِالنُؤيِ وَالشَرِّ
2. And told that separation has come between us and drawn near
Beauty for separation, heavily laden with betrayal,
٢. وَخَبَّرتَ أَن قَد جَدَّ بَينٌ وَقَرَّبوا
جِمالاً لِبَينٍ مُثقَلاتٍ مِنَ الغَدرِ
3. And stirred a mote in a tearful doe's eye,
Whose tears flow when she is remembered,
٣. وَهِجتَ قَذى عَينٍ بِلُبنى مَريضَةٍ
إِذا ذُكِرَت فاضَت مَدامِعُها تَجري
4. And you said thus is time, it does not cease to sadden,
You spoke truly, and does aught remain with time?
٤. وَقُلتَ كَذاكَ الدَهرُ ما زالَ فاجِعاً
صَدَقتَ وَهَل شَيءٌ بِباقٍ عَلى الدَهرِ