
The light of our life shone like flashes of lightning

أضوء سنا برق بدا لك لمعه

1. The light of our life shone like flashes of lightning
On the watcher, among the drinking vessels of Bishah

١. أَضَوءُ سَنا بَرقٍ بَدا لَكَ لَمعُهُ
بِذي الأَثلِ مِن أَجراعِ بيشَةَ تَرقَبُ

2. Yes, I am a lover stationed there
With one who neither draws near nor comes close

٢. نَعَم إِنَّني صَبٌّ هُناكَ مُوَكَّلٌ
بِمَن لَيسَ يُدنيني وَلا يَتَقَرَّبُ

3. The one whose aloofness I complain of and whose love
Is intertwined with one who loves to toy with love

٣. وَمَن أَشتَكي مِنهُ الجَفاءُ وَحُبُّهُ
طَرائِفُ كانَت زَوَّ مَن يَتَحَبَّبُ

4. May God forgive Umm Al-Walid! Don't you see
How my love tumbles down because of me?

٤. عَفا اللَهُ عَن أُمِّ الوَليدِ أَما تَرى
مَساقِطَ حُبّي كَيفَ بي تَتَلَعَّبُ

5. She longs for one who nearly took her life
The morning she aimed her traveling party towards me

٥. فَتَأوى لِمَن كادَت تَفيظُ حَياتُهُ
غَداةَ سَمَت نَحوي سَوائِرَ تَنعَبُ

6. Whenever a rider comes from your land and passes by
I become sick from my intention to love

٦. وَمِن سَقَمي مِن نِيَّةِ الحِبِّ كُلَّما
أَتى راكِبٌ مِن نَحوِ أَرضَكِ يَضرِبُ

7. So they brought a healer and charms
And said a skilled doctor is here

٧. مَرِضتُ فَجاؤوا بِالمُعالِجِ وَالرُقى
وَقالوا بَصيرٌ بِالدَوَا مُتَطَبِّبُ

8. He came and treated me though his stay with me was long
Exhausted by incantations and doctoring

٨. أَتاني فَداواني وَطالَ اِختِلافُهُ
إِلَيَّ فَأَعياهُ الرُقى وَالتَطَبُّبُ

9. Of no use was what the skillful doctor tied
Nor what the experienced physician wished for me

٩. وَلَم يُغنِ عَنّي ما يُعَقِّدُ طائِلاً
وَلا ما يُمَنّيني الطَبيبُ المُجَرِّبُ

10. Nor the potions he washed me with when
The fateful star appeared to me

١٠. وَلا نُشُراتٌ باتَ يَغسِلُني بِها
إِذا ما بَدا لي الكَوكَبُ المُتَصَوِّبُ

11. They left after the bridge at Lubnak was gone
The ground soaked, the bricklayers confused

١١. وَبانوا وَقَد زالَت بِلُبناكَ جَسرَةٌ
سَبوحٌ وَمَوّارُ المَلاطَينِ أَصهَبُ

12. You think, with unfounded guesses
That he and his rider are searching for Mecca

١٢. تَظُنُّ مِنَ الظَنِّ المُكَذَّبِ أَنَّهُ
وَراكِبُهُ دارا بِمَكَّةَ يَطلِبُ

13. No - by Him who touched the corners of His house
As I circle with those who circle and crush around

١٣. فَلا وَالَّذي مَسَّحتُ أَركانَ بَيتِهِ
أَطوفُ بِهِ فيمَن يَطوفُ وَيَحصِبُ

14. I forgot you as long as Thabeer stayed
In his place, as long as the crushed remains by the crusher

١٤. نَسيتُكَ ما أَرسى ثَبيرٌ مَكانَهُ
وَما دامَ جارا لِلحَجونِ المُحَصَّبُ