1. Qays suffers from his love of Lubna, and Lubna
The malady of Qays is love, and love is a grave disease
١. عيدَ قَيسٌ مِن حُبِّ لُبنى وَلُبنى
داءُ قَيسٍ وَالحُبُّ داءٌ شَديدُ
2. And if one day the old ones return to me
The eye says, I do not see whom I want
٢. وَإِذا عادَني العَوائِدُ يَوماً
قالَتِ العَينُ لا أَرى مَن أُريدُ
3. Would that Lubna might return to me, that I might decide
That she will not return to those who do return
٣. لَيتَ لُبنى تَعودَني ثُمَّ أَقضي
أَنَّها لا تَعودُ فيمَن يَعودُ
4. Woe to Qays! From her he has taken on
An addled sickness, so staunch is his heart
٤. وَيحَ قَيسٍ لَقَد تَضَمَّنَ مِنها
داءَ خَبلٍ فَالقَلبُ مِنهُ عَميدُ