
Happiness appeared, so the eyes fell asleep,

بانت سعاد فنوم العين مملول

1. Happiness appeared, so the eyes fell asleep,
After a long absence, it was too good to be true,

١. بانَت سُعادُ فَنَومُ العَينِ مَملولُ
وَكانَ مِن قِصَرٍ مِن عَهدِها طولُ

2. A radiant white, whose advent the neighbors cannot disparage,
Nor can the biting gossip of slanderers sully her purity,

٢. بَيضاءُ لا يَجتَوي الجيرانُ طَلعَتَها
وَلا يَسُلُّ بِفيها سَيفَهُ القيلُ

3. Yet between you and I stand a people, in whose hearts
Are rancor, malice, and endless mischief,

٣. وَحالَ دونَكِ قَومٌ في صُدورِهِمُ
مِنَ الضَغينَةِ وَالضَبِّ البَلابيلُ

4. And dire needs have befallen me, a burden too great to shoulder,
For they favor even mares over noble steeds,

٤. وَقَد تُلاقي بِيَ الحاجاتِ دَوسَرَةٌ
في خَلقِها عَن بَناتِ الفَحلِ تَفضيلُ

5. Powerful riders on a litter of the finest silk,
With nobles walking ahead to clear the way,

٥. غَلباءُ رَكباءُ عُلكومٌ مُذَكَّرَةٌ
لِدَفِّها صَفصَفٌ قُدّامَها ميلُ

6. It bears a lissome youth with sturdy frame,
His lineage guaranteed, of esteemed descent,

٦. تَمَّ لَها ناهِضٌ في صَدرِها تَلِعٌ
وَحارِكٌ في قَناةِ الصُلبِ مَعدولُ

7. As though his cheeks and neck were caressed
By a dangling sleeve of the softest Yemeni cloth,

٧. كَأَنَّما فاتَ لَحيَيها وَمَذبَحَها
مُشَرجَعٌ مِن عَلاةِ القَينِ مَمطولُ

8. Casting amorous glances from golden mirror-like eyes,
Gleaming in the sun like polished swords,

٨. تَرمي الغُيوبَ بِمِرآتَينِ مِن ذَهَبٍ
صَلتَينِ ضاحيهِما بِالشَمسِ مَصقولُ

9. With two frisky colts that delight in the music of lyres,
Whenever their ears crave joyful strains,

٩. وَحُرَّتَينِ هِجانٍ لَيسَ بَينَهُما
إِذا هُما اِشتَأَتا لِلسَمعِ تَمهيلُ

10. Beside a lustrous pearl brought on palanquin
By honored men of high rank from India,

١٠. في جانِبَي دُرَّةٍ زَهراءَ جاءَ بِها
مُحَملَجٌ مِن رِجالِ الهِندِ مَجدولُ

11. On two saddles of velvet embroidered with gold,
That soothe their backs like gently-swaying cradles,

١١. عَلى رِجامَينِ مِن خُطّافِ ماتِحَةٍ
يَهدي صُدورَهُما أُرقٌ مَراقيلُ

12. Its skin made of supple leather that only the scrape
Of a sharp knife can cut through, soft and pliant,

١٢. وَجِلدُها مِن أَطومٍ ما يُؤَيِّسُهُ
طِلحٌ كَضاحِيَةِ الصَيداءِ مَهزولُ

13. It welcomes poets to take refuge in its shade,
With fresh milk and bread in abundance to regale guests,

١٣. تَذُبُّ ضَيفاً مِنَ الشَعراءِ مَنزِلُهُ
مِنها لَبانٌ وَأَقرابٌ زَهاليلُ

14. Or an ostrich, taut of flesh, though scarred and abraded,
Its skin crinkled like much-folded parchment,

١٤. أَو طَيُّ ماتِحَةٍ في جِرمِها حَشَفٌ
وَمُنثَنىً مِن شَوِيِّ الجِلدِ مَملولُ

15. Borne by excellent camels in their excellent prime,
Their cheeks bright as the flash of shooting stars,

١٥. تَهوي بِها مُكرَباتٌ في مَرافِقِها
فُتلٌ صِيابٌ مَياسيرٌ مَعاجيلُ

16. With legs like spread tent pegs planted in the ground,
Their joints covered in fetters and straps,

١٦. يَدا مَهاةٍ وَرِجلا خاضِبٍ سَنِقٍ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن جَناهُ الشَريُ مَخلولُ

17. Neighing, snorting, groaning is their gait,
Ruffling its feathers, with tail bobbing up and down,

١٧. هَيقٌ هِزَفٌّ وَزَفّانِيَّةٌ مَرَطى
زَعراءُ ريشُ ذُناباها هَراميلُ

18. As though its trailing coverlets were bunched up
Over packsaddles, with fringes hanging loose,

١٨. كَأَنَّما مُنثَنى أَقماعِ ما مَرَطَت
مِنَ العِفاءِ بِليتَيها ثَآليلُ

19. Their necks outstretched from the sweat of exertion
Toward the water-skins filled to the brim,

١٩. تَرَوَّحا مِن سَنامِ العِرقِ فَاِلتَبَطا
إِلى القِنانِ الَّتي فيها المَداحيلُ

20. Once set loose over the land they wreaked havoc,
Such was their headlong galloping over the plains,

٢٠. إِذا اِستَهَلّا بِشُؤبوبٍ فَقَد فُعِلَت
بِما أَصابا مِنَ الأَرضِ الأَفاعيلُ

21. Till they happened upon eggs lying exposed,
Withfledglings cheeping shrilly for their mothers' care,

٢١. فَصادَفا البَيضَ قَد أَبدَت مَناكِبَها
مِنهُ الرِئالُ لَها مِنهُ سَرابيلُ

22. So they veered away from harming the helpless chicks,
As gently as if lifting leaves of moist cabbage,

٢٢. فَنَكَّبا يَنقُفانِ البَيضَ عَن بَشَرٍ
كَأَنَّهُ وَرَقُ البَسباسِ مَغسولُ

23. Then continued apace in the tracks of their guide,
His legs striking the ground like flickering flames,

٢٣. ثُمَّ اِستَمَرّا بِحَفّانٍ لَهُ زَجَلٌ
كَالزَهوِ أَرجُلُها فيها عَقابيلُ

24. As though his saddlebags were slung over pack camels
Weighted down with precious oils and perfumes,

٢٤. كَأَنَّ رَحلي عَلى حَقباءَ قارِبَةٍ
أَحمى عَلَيها الأَبانَينِ الأَراجيلُ

25. For three nights they persisted through darkness
And with the rising sun effaced their pursuers' tracks,

٢٥. حامَت ثَلاثَ لَيالٍ كُلَّما وَرَدَت
زالَت لَها دونَهُ مِنهُم تَماثيلُ

26. Entrusting the gifts to a man of integrity
As refreshing as pure cold water on thirsty lips,

٢٦. قَد وَكَّلَت بِالهُدى إِنسانَ صادِقَةٍ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن تَمامِ الظِمءِ مَسمولُ

27. Certain he was true to his word, while others
Were distracted with merriment and mirth,

٢٧. فَأَيقَنَت أَن ذا هاشٍ مَنِيَّتَها
وَأَنَّ شَرقِيَّ إِحلِيّاءَ مَشغولُ

28. She turned aside, hurtling through plains and hills
From Al-Usaihim to Ar-Ranqaa and beyond,

٢٨. فَطَرَّقَت مَشرَباً تَهوي وَمَورِدُها
مِنَ الأُسَيحِمِ فَالرَنقاءِ مَشمولُ

29. Until she called out in her desperation
To a meadow resounding with the crickets' chorus,

٢٩. حَتّى اِستَغاثَت بِجَونٍ فَوقَهُ حُبُكٌ
تَدعو هَديلاً بِهِ الوُرقُ المَثاكيلُ

30. Then continued undaunted despite her exhaustion,
Covered in dust like a shroud for the dead,

٣٠. ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّت عَلى وَحشِيِّها وَبِها
مِن عَرمَضٍ كَوَخيفِ الغِسلِ تَحجيلُ