
She said, "Shall there be no soothsayer summoned for this one?

قالت ألا يدعى لهذا عراف

1. She said, "Shall there be no soothsayer summoned for this one?
There remains only a tongue and some limbs,

١. قالَت أَلا يُدعى لِهَذا عَرّاف
لَم يَبقَ إِلّا مَنطِقٌ وَأَطراف

2. Some tatters, a ragged shirt,
And two locks of hair on which poverty has placed its seal."

٢. وَرَيطَتانِ وَقَميصٌ هَفهاف
وَشُعبَتا مَيسٍ بَراها إِسكاف